SEPTEMBER 11, 2010
I am including a short story I have written as today’s blog. This is a piece of fiction. It is not an editorial. Take from it what you want.
September 11, 2011 – FOREVER
Bruce A. Brennan
112 Orchard Lane
DeKalb, IL 60115
Copyright 2010
(815) 375-6595
We all know what happened on September 11, 2001. It has become known as 911. This cowardly act of terrorism was enormously successful. I truly believe that Osama bin Laden was the most surprised individual in the world when the Twin Towers collapsed. There is no way bin Laden, an intelligent man, but not brilliant could have done the necessary investigation and planning to come up with a scheme designed to cause the buildings to collapse. From the hell hole he calls a home; he planned to cause damage to the buildings. He planned to kill hundreds of innocent people, civilians, not soldiers but, he did not create a plan designed to collapse the Twin Towers. Remember, he is supposedly a wealthy man, although most experts believe he has spent his personal fortune, who is so smart he lives in a cave in the most isolated and hostile terrain in the world.
The government, who are the smartest people on the planet, if you believe them, claim we are winning the war on terror. They are constantly stating we have not had a terrorist attack since we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. This is not just wrong, it is a lie. There have been attacks around the globe targeting Americans; like the Bali hotels and nightspots, Madrid subway, London subway, several attacks by military Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan killing American soldiers, the attack by a Muslim military doctor at a Texas military base, the shoe bomber and the Christmas day bomber in Detroit, to name a few. This listing is not complete. I would hate to see how we would be doing if we were losing this fight.
The military lost the war in Viet Nam because civilians, such as politicians and protesters, were allowed too much input. The military listened to them and were afraid to win the war. Henry Kissinger told President Nixon repeatedly that he could end the war quickly if he would authorize the bombing of the dikes in North Viet Nam. This would flood the country and kill hundreds of people but no Americans. The politicians and defense contractors talked Nixon out of implementing Kissinger’s plan.
Unfortunately, this lesson was not learned in Viet Nam. Now, over forty years later, we are still allowing politicians to dictate military policy. The Armed Forces will not or are incapable of managing a war to a successful conclusion.
Recently, a General in charge in Afghanistan stated he had been to Afghanistan nineteen times since the war began. I believe General Patton and General Eisenhower, to name two military leaders from the World War II era, lived overseas until the conclusion of the war. They saw firsthand what the fighting soldier saw every day. They did not spend much time in Washington D. C. being wined, dined and influenced by defense contractors and politicians.
The Department of Defense was not in the Pentagon at the breakout of World War II. Groundbreaking for the Pentagon took place on September 11, 1941. The attackers in 2001 knew 911 was our emergency nationwide phone number. They also knew when ground was broken for the Pentagon. These two reasons were enough for them to choose the date they did for their attack. What better day to attack the world’s largest office building that houses the headquarters for the world’s largest and most powerful military than on the anniversary of the day its construction commenced.
From now on, Americans know our military headquarters can be attacked by people with box-cutters and kill 189 people. Every time an American makes a phone call to the emergency phone system, they will be reminded of 911.
The Pentagon was dedicated on January 15, 1943. The construction was beset by numerous building setbacks and delays but, it is a government project. Now, our military leaders sit in heated and air conditioned offices, while the troops they allegedly lead live in tents and battle the elements.
I know a few of our military leaders do live with or near the troops they lead into battle but, they are not in the same situation. They are the field commanders but, no one listens to them or takes them too seriously. Also, the leaders are often called to other places or back to the Pentagon for meetings or to testify before a Congressional hearing. Rarely do the meetings they attend occur in Antarctica or in sub-Saharan Africa.
The government leaders, military and non-military, cannot possibly get a clear and complete picture of a war happening on the other side of the world. We claim to have unbelievable technology available to our leaders. I am honestly convinced Hollywood and fiction writers have better technology than the Armed Forces do. The technology works better in Hollywood; we just do not fight too many wars there.
The first Gulf War attempted a new strategy. They destroyed the infra-structure of Iraq. This was accomplished with massive bombings and use of smart bombs. The cost was unfathomable. Unfortunately, the bombs are smarter than the people using them. We essentially bombed Iraq back to the Stone Age. In this instance, that was only a few years. When we started that war in 1991, Iraq had working water systems, working sewage systems and a working power grid structure.
The U. S. beat the hell out of this country, like we should have. It was not much more formidable than Granada ten years earlier. We then left the country to fend for itself with the same morons in control. A little more than ten years later we were back for round two. The country was not rebuilt by the Iraqi powers. Still to this day, as are Armed Forces once again fight in this backwards country, the countries capital only has electricity for three hours a day. Sadam Hussein had a more workable infra-structure before we attacked twenty years ago than exists there today. Who won this war? Who is winning this war? I do not think the answer to either question is the United States of America.
The strategy of bombing an opponent out of existence did not work and still is not working. We keep trying to use bombs in Afghanistan and I am sure some people are being killed, like our service personnel and civilians but, not the enemy. You cannot bomb stone back to the Stone Age.
We bomb at the insistence of the bomb manufacturers and the defense contractors. The bomb manufacturers have an obvious vested interest. Use a bomb and you must replace it, usually with a more expensive version. The defense contractors want us to bomb the infra-structure so they will have to rebuild it. It is cheaper and easier to build in Afghanistan or Iraq. There are no unions to fight with; no OSHA to kowtow to, very little government interference and the wages are much less. Collection of invoices is also easier even with the bad economy. Checks from the United States Government do not bounce. When an invoice is questioned, the billing has such a markup; it can be adjusted with little impact on company profits.
This entire situation makes it hard to brag about being an American. It is hard to trust government officials and spokespersons. The dribble the government tells us is demeaning. We are not as stupid as the government thinks we are. In almost every important event or happening that involves the government, we are told a lie in the beginning. The truth comes out a little at a time until it is all out in the open. The government then explains it away by saying they did not have all the information available when they first spoke. They were not lying nor were they wrong, we are just stupid.
Even when the government passes a law with promises of all kinds of results the new law will bring and the results do not come to fruition, we are told the results did happen. Congress asks one of its auditing offices to prove their point. The police are not also the judge and jury in real life. If the results are so far off base that even an idiot can’t spin it in their favor, they blame it on their predecessor or say unforeseen changes affected the results. Who is paid to anticipate these unforeseen changes? They were not mentioned when Congress wanted the bill passed. Congress passes every bill based on the best case scenario even though it never happens that way.
Think of any politician caught criminally or in an ethics scandal over the past fifty years. They all say they cannot talk now but, when they get their day in Court, the truth will prevail. Twelve months or so later they plead guilty or resign. They all speak about how they were in the dark or they do not remember it that way or that is just how it is always done or the DNA will prove it is not their child. It almost always is their child. Apparently their aides did not have adequate control over the politicians’ sperm.
I am sick and tired of this government and its incompetence. I do not want to attack this country or our government. I want to change things not fight them.
My name is Warren Hilton. I am a self-made billionaire. My wealth comes from the technology sector. I was young with unconstrained ideas when I came up with an idea that just took off on the internet. I sold my company before the bottom fell out of the tech sector. My investment of my time and an idea rewarded me with thirty-one billion dollars. I am not a genius. I will never strike lightning twice, I got lucky once and that part of my life is over.
I have met many other very wealthy people, usually younger than sixty, who agree with many of my ideas and thoughts. In the past seven months, I have received thirty- four million dollars in commitments from fifteen of my friends and acquaintances. I have promised fifteen million dollars. Of the money promised, a total of twenty-nine million has been received, including my money. Everyone who has given money has been washed from the picture. They are aware of the general mission but, they do not know any particulars. All of these people are Americans, born and bred.
During my travels as a wealthy American around the world, I have met hundreds of people. Some are interesting, some are scary, many are rude, some stink, some have money and some have access to people, places and things I do not have access to. That is one of the items that helped me form my idea about expressly informing the world, by action not talk or apologies, that America is still a great country you do not mess with.
My parents and grandparents were from a generation generally known as the greatest generation. This distinction was established by their desire, work ethic and accomplishments in making sure their children had a better life than they did; that the world was a better place for them having lived in it. World War II was won by these American men and women by applying the attributes they learned growing up and lived by.
In a strange way, we can thank the Japanese for the United States being a world leader and the dominant society for the last fifty years or so of the twentieth century. .Had they not been so arrogant as to think they could defeat America in the great World War II, they probably would not have bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Without the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, America may not have entered the war until it was too late to free Europe. We may never have entered the war. Hitler knew he could not defeat America at the time the Japs bombed us. They just would not listen to him.
On a trip to Russia, after the Soviet break-up, I was approached about buying a few small nuclear warheads. My political views were known even then. A capitalist billionaire is usually a hawk. I declined but, never forgot it.
Now, years later, as we are approaching the ten year anniversary of the 911 attacks, anyone with a portion of a brain knows Iraq, Afghanistan, the Taliban and/or Al-Qaeda will try to attack us again in remembrance of their greatest victory. It is in their religion to build a victory mosque at the sites of their greatest wins. Since 911 is their greatest victory of all time, they surely will try to secure another win at the expense of America, just to rub our noses in it.
These zealots seem to have an unending supply of ignorant people who will act as suicide bombers. It is hard to bask in the glory of your victory when you are being scraped from the walls, floors and ceilings with a paint scraper. I guess that is why there is chocolate and vanilla, we don’t all have the same tastes.
I was diagnosed with inoperable cancer eight months ago. This made implementing my plan much easier but, I believe I would have tried something with or without cancer.
I started to raise money to carry out my plan seven months ago. As a Catholic, I worship God and his son Jesus Christ. We believe in confession, meaning we can do almost anything and be forgiven. The difference with Catholics and most Christians is we have some legitimate reason for our actions. The Muslims just kill as a way of exporting their religion. I accept the consequences of my plan as it relates to my spirituality and the effects on my after-life. However, everything in life, including death, costs money.
I have less than six months to live life as I know life. I will not go out ashamed of being an American or as a citizen from a country that cannot beat some backass nations that started a fight we are afraid to win. I will give us a little push.
I arranged to purchase three small nuclear bombs. I had them delivered to an island I own in the Mediterranean Sea. The island is self-governed. It is named Warren Island I own two business jets. I have arranged for the purchase of a used inexpensive third jet. I have registered with the international organization that tracks Airline Companies. I have registered Air Hilton as a regional airline serving the Middle East in and around the Mediterranean Sea. Some flights will travel as far as North Asia. I can pilot one of the jets. I have hired two pilots also big patriots dying of cancer. Each jet has a range of 2900 miles.
The plan is to take off from my island and detonate the three nuclear bombs on countries to be determined. Payback will be one of the determining factors as well as your general contribution to the world and your involvement in terrorism.
I consider myself a patriot. I never served in the military. I did, however, serve my country. I have an extensive history of volunteering. I have contributed over one billion dollars to American charities. I do not hate the rest of the world. I just don’t feel I owe other countries the same respect and effort as I give to the United States.
There is plenty of need in this country for food, medicine, jobs, income, infra-structure, education, sports programs, libraries and training. I do not think I should ignore my country and fellow Americans by donating to charities that spend their time, expertise and my money in foreign countries trying to fix the same problems in other countries. These same problems are driven by on the way to the airport by these charity workers but, they keep driving and leave this country and these problems behind.
I do not accept the concept of a world economy or that it takes a village to raise a child. If all of that bunk was true, the world would not constantly look to us when catastrophe happens or another country is visited by terrorism. When this country suffers a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, think Katrina, the Gulf Oil Spill, many wildfires or tornados, the world does not rush to our aid but, they bitch and moan when we do not step up fast enough to help them. We always step up but, people still complain because it isn’t fast enough.
We are the world’s police force and have been for many years. The Armed Forces will not release the exact figures but, it is estimated the United States has military troops stationed in over 68% of the countries of the world. Japan does not need a defense machine neither does Spain, Canada, Mexico, Greenland or Haiti, among a few, because we supply them with military defense, without cost. The government claims we are reimbursed for these expenses but, I have never seen a cancelled check proving payment. Just because a government worker says something does not mean it is true. Hell, you can train a monkey to make certain sounds and act a certain way. There isn’t much difference between many government officials and trained monkeys except the monkey does not lie intentionally.
The United States is still owed billions of dollars, probably trillions now if you compute simple interest, from most countries of Europe for World War II debt. Britain is the only country that repaid the debt in full but, even that wasn’t completed until 2007. We saved the world’s ass and they still screwed us and we let them do it without a fight.
I do not consider myself insane. I am acting rationally. I have a workable plan that has a goal of putting an end to the evil religious terrorism in the world, teach the world a lesson that the United States deserves respect more than any country or form of government on the planet, that some people are too evil to deserve the right to exist, that innocent people sometimes die when they are too close to the evildoers and will not make any effort to move or overthrow the evil leaders and reinforces the ageless fact of International Law, MIGHT MAKES RIGHT.
I am aware my plan will result in thousands of deaths and enormous property destruction. That is the way it goes. History is full of examples of mass deaths resulting from war and sneak attacks. The world has always survived. Much of the modern world is molded by inventions or advancements that came out of World War II and NASA. The country of Japan survived two nuclear bombings. The end result of the dropping of the bombs on Japan in 1945 was a good thing. Few must suffer so many can live.
World War II ended quickly after the bombs were dropped. Many medical breakthroughs resulted from the treatment of the injured in the aftermath of the bombings. The world as we know it did not end with the beginning of the nuclear age, it began.
I am convinced a terrorist attack will occur on or about September 11, 2011 to mark the ten year anniversary of 911. It is a matter of time until a Muslim terrorist organization secures a nuclear weapon. When they get one, they will use it on the United States. One thing government officials are fond of saying is that “It is not a matter of if we will be attacked again by terrorists; it is a matter of when we will be attacked.”
This is a statement constantly being made by government officials that is actually true. Sadly, the United States government does not know how to stop it. The government wants to look civilized and compassionate to the world while behind the scenes it is spending billions of dollars trying to figure out how to crush the terrorists in such a manner we can deny involvement. Watergate taught most people outside of government that the crime does not get you, it is the lying and cover-up afterwards that brings you down.
My plan is different. I am going to do it and claim responsibility for it. What can anybody do to me? I will be dead three months after the attack, one way or the other. Perhaps I can be housed at Guantanamo Prison; you know the one, it was supposed to be closed years ago but, wait, that was just another promise by a politician. Kind of like ending the wars we refuse to win was a politician’s promise. Like we would not be dependent on foreign oil ever again, the economic recovery would lower unemployment to 8%, the economic recovery is working, health care reform would reduce costs and guarantee medical insurance for every American, illegal aliens would not be given free health care as part of the health care reform act and one of my favorites, adding a fee for a government service that was always free or raising these fees well over inflation or reasonableness and saying it is not raising taxes. Anytime the government takes money from me it is a tax since the government is not a manufacturer. They do not make anything but they get to charge for it. When a private citizen or company does this it is fraud, a crime but, not when the government does it.
Wherever I spend my final days, I will be proud of myself and my country. I am doing this for patriotic purposes not religious reasons. Planning is being taken seriously. The unnecessary loss of life will be avoided as much as is feasible. Collateral damage will occur. I know that. The bombs will be detonated at a time and place after taking into consideration weather factors in an effort to reduce the inevitable spread of the radiation created by the bombs. A Manifesto is being prepared by some of the smartest people in the world about the effects of radiation and nuclear spread from the detonation site, ground zero it is called.
The Manifesto I have commissioned is being written as a survival guide for the people that will be affected by the nuclear explosions. The Manifesto uses a lot of the material contained in a manual published by Cresson Kearney entitled Nuclear War Survival Skills.
The manifesto also explains medical treatment for Radiation Poisoning and Nuclear Fallout. There is no treatment available that reverses the effects of irradiation. The symptoms of radiation exposure are treatable with anesthetics, used for pain relief and antiemetic, used to treat vomiting and nausea. Antibiotics are also administered to treat secondary infections caused immune deficiency defects. Treatments aimed at the prolonged effects of radiation poisoning are also explained.
Many experimental drugs are being reviewed but, they are not approved for human use by the government. However, if the only outcome is death, using an unproven drug seems to have no down side unless contagiousness is a worry. The U. S. Armed Forces are at the forefront of the experimental development of radiation treatment drugs. Neumune, an androstenediol, is one drug being seen as a radiation countermeasure drug, hoping it will reverse or at least stop the effects of radiation poisoning. It is a steroid that helps with the development of testosterone.
Other experimental drugs and treatments include a Chinese Herbal treatment, cordyceps sinensis, used to protect bone marrow and the digestive system from complete failure. This herbal medicine looks promising in protecting the systems from total collapse or shut-down. It does not seem to reverse any affects already in existence. Another drug being experimented with and apparently helping to mitigate radiation exposure are bisphosphonate compounds. These drugs prevent bone loss. They are used to treat osteoporosis and other bone loss diseases.
One of the biggest problems with any of these drugs, proven or experimental, is their limited use. The drug companies are not going to commit big money in developing drugs that hopefully will never be used. This is what the government should do not private industry. Thankfully the military is doing some of this experimental drug development.
The Manifesto will include all of this information and more. It will also list websites helpful in the providing of information about treatment for nuclear bomb injuries and prevention of further exposure to the fallout.
I will create a website one week before the bombing to publicize the Manifesto and warn people of the upcoming nuclear attacks. The dates and locations will not be detailed. The website will strongly encourage people to set-up survival kits with food, drink, bandages, radios, batteries, flashlights and basic medicines. Advertisements will be published in magazines and newspapers in many locations, including the intended target sites, urging people to take immediate action and giving the web address of the Manifesto. Pop-up ads will also blanket the world-wide web. Robo-calls will also be employed world-wide. As much advance notice and information will be provided, taking into account the mission and its goal, without giving away so many facts the mission is compromised.
The technology based information stream will be hidden and redirected but, it will be generated from my island. The island I own is not controlled by any countries. I am the government and the law on my island. Trespassing on the island is prohibited with violators subject to severe punishment, including death by intruder surveillance equipment meant to detect and locate trespassers and kill them if they fail to abide by electronic commands and leave within ten minutes.
The exact targets will be picked on September 1, 2011. That is twenty days from now. I will make the decision after discussions with the three closest advisors and partners I have in this matter. They do not include the two pilots who have agreed to fly a jet along with me.
I decided I would detonate the bombs in Pyongyang, North Korea, the Capital and away from South Korea, Yazd, Iran, lightly populated but, used heavily by terrorists for training and Kata, Pakistan, along the Pakistan, Afghanistan border, an area of rugged terrain with few people. This bomb would destroy the mountainous border and hiding area used by the Taliban and other terrorists. An added benefit is going to be the near total elimination of poppy in the world and the opium and heroin that is derived from it. This alone should save billions of dollars and put an end to the suffering, crime and poverty associated with heroin addiction. The money saved on medical expenses should be astronomical, as should the savings realized by the Court system in not having to arrest, process, punish and house criminals associated with heroin addiction. Since we cannot control it, or won’t control it, I will eliminate it.
All three sites can be reached with the jets I already own. Getting back from North Korea would be tight but, I will fly that plane. The other two sites can be reached by my jets with enough fuel to return to my island, at low levels to hopefully avoid radar detection.
We knew we would be discovered and likely taken into custody but everyone was willing to fight the good fight. Remember we are all dying in a matter of months. The computers and other equipment on my island will self-destruct once the third bomb detonates. This should destroy all evidence except the two pilots and me and, of course, the planes
It was August 25, 2011 when the sites were finalized. This left very little time for the plan to be uncovered and stopped. All people involved in the mission, the security people, the pilots, mechanics, tech people and publicity folks were told to be on the island no later than September 4, 2011. The bombs would be detonated on September 8, 2010 during the early morning but, they were not told this until they arrived on the island.
When everyone arrived on the island, their cell phones, computers and any other device capable of helping to make contact with the outside world would be confiscated and destroyed. Their belongings were searched for devices capable of interfering with the mission. The mission members were given a cover story that they were going on a retreat with a think tank organized by the government. The retreat was on an island off the cost of Chile that had no communications capabilities.
I was assured by the tech folks that built the scrambling programs and equipment that the signal coming from the computers would be traced first to Alaska, then Australia, Greenland, Denmark, Russia, New York City, Washington D. C. and London. After that, the scramble would continue randomly throughout the world. I was told and I paid for a job that would take a minimum of five days to unscramble. That was all the time we needed.
The initial information that would start being communicated around the world would be rather benign to start with. The information would progressively get more detailed and direct. The particulars of the plan would never be fully explained but, it should be figured out by the intelligence community. The United States would receive more information than any other country. It would have to decide what to do with the information. My guess is they will not do anything until at least one bomb is detonated.
Everyone was on the island by 6:00 p.m. local time on September 4, 2011. We had three days of training and mission preparation to complete. As indicated above, all electronic devices were collected and destroyed upon arrival. Everyone had their belongings searched by security as they landed on the island. In all, sixteen people were on the island. Only six had a good grasp of the mission. The rest were there working, although their background checks lead me and my security chief to believe they would have no problem with the goal. Everybody involved was a patriot. The vast majority of them had no spouse or children. Most had no living parents. They were all loners who would not be missed for weeks.
The vast majority of self-made billionaires are loners. They have been too busy inventing something or developing their business model to get into a serious relationship. Children were generally seen as a distraction better saved for later in life. Most of the wealthy folks involved had diseases that were killing them at a young age. Relationships and children now made no sense.
The training on September 5, 2011 was mostly survival techniques and familiarity with the computers and the communications equipment. Additionally, an underground bunker had been constructed on Warren Island. It was stocked with enough water, food, flashlights, medical supplies, radios, computers, with no internet connection operating, fuel, fishing equipment, hunting equipment, plants, seeds and farming implements for thirty people that should last two years, long enough to get food growing and regenerate the supplies. The bunker had plumbing, running water and beds for thirty people along with entertainment electronics and generators. Besides becoming familiar with the bunker, everyone also had to meet and get to know everyone else. Only a few knew everybody and some did not know anyone. The first day went without a hitch. I acted as cook for a wonderful seafood cookout, complete with fresh fruit and vegetables grown on the island. A few bottles of wine were finished off as was plenty of iced tea.
While preparing the finishing touches on the Manifesto, I ran across research about the stress and detrimental effect nearly ten years of war was having on our military. Although other countries were helping prosecute the two wars, none were involved to the extent the United States was involved. None had been involved as long as we had been but, that is our fault for refusing to properly fight these wars to win. Clearly, no non American military service had suffered the casualties the United States has suffered.
The stress from long terms of deployment, followed by time in the United States or at least out of Harm’s Way, then back to redeployment in a war zone has created a problem within the military that is not being adequately dealt with. Since 2004, 20% of all recruits have been given a waiver for civilian behavior that otherwise would keep the recruit out of the service. That means, since the year 2004, 80,403 behavior waivers have been granted; 47,478 were granted for drug and alcohol abuse, misdemeanor crimes and serious misconduct such as felony crimes. At the same time the military is accepting recruits they normally would not; they are kicking fewer people out for misconduct. The military has retained 25,283 soldiers they would have forced out before these wars began.
Soldiers are also not being punished for misconduct in a war zone they normally would have been punished for. Field commanders and superior officers overlook drug and alcohol abuse and other inappropriate conduct just to keep soldiers in the field. When new superiors takeover, there is no paper trail of this unpunished behavior. This results in many soldiers being treated as first time offenders when it may be their second or third episode.
Drug use is also increasing in the field and once out of the military. In 2009, 160 soldiers killed themselves, 1,713 attempted suicide and about 17,000 had drug and alcohol offenses written up on them. 60% of suicide occur during a soldiers first term of enlistment, meaning the less qualified we let in cannot take military life. Another disturbing portion in a 350 page Army report on military suicides stated 32 service members killed themselves in June, 2010.
The most stunning admission in the report was that “There are instances where a leader’s lack of soldier accountability resulted in suicide victims not being found until they had been dead three or four weeks.”
This is shameful and if that is what they admit to, I wonder what the real numbers are.
This information will be worked into the Manifesto. As the first bomb is detonated, they should all detonate within twenty minutes, a news release will be issued to every country, every military, every terrorist organization and every legitimate news organization we can access. The news release will explain our mission, detail the reasons behind it, identify those willing to be identified, I will be identified, and include the Manifesto.
The next day, September 6, 2011, we put forth the final plans. The time for departure was selected, the flight routes were reviewed. The news release and Manifesto were completed and passed out to everyone for them to read and suggest changes. The planes were given a complete tune-up, fueled and taken for a test flight. The flight crews were selected. All of this was accomplished by 5:00 p.m. The planes, after they returned, were fueled again and the bombs were loaded on board. The drop procedure was explained and demonstrated. I was the only pilot that did not have military flight experience but, my crew had experience.
I had hired well trained security personnel that believed in the mission. If a mutiny were to come about, they would suppress it. Once the planes took off, their job was to make sure the information was sent out as planned. Two of them were technically savvy enough to do this. The information had been loaded into the computer. The Email addresses were already typed in. All it really took was the striking of one computer send key. There were two back-up computers. The head of security was the only one who knew about both back-ups. Security was the only persons allowed to have weapons although each pilot and crew member would have a handgun on them on the flight.
I was concerned about mission members changing their minds at the last moment. I planned for this contingency. I was done planning. Either this thing was going to work or it wasn’t. Everyone was aware thousands of people could die from our actions. It was our consensus twenty thousand would die quickly, another twenty-five thousand would die within ten years. After that, the affects would be minimal. Many potential victims are innocent civilians. They are only guilty of being born in a terrible part of the world. Many would have to die so many more could live.
The newspaper and magazine articles that we decided to publish were published on September 5, 2010. This created a bit of a news buzz. The ads were erroneously attributed to Muslim terrorist groups.
Man built these weapons. If we were not going to use them for the greater good, why have them? Why keep building them?
We scheduled a 7:00 a. m. breakfast briefing. Everybody was to be in the mess hall by 6:45 a. m. As of now, the weather expected around the three drop sites was calm, good for a bomb drop.
At 7:30 the next morning, breakfast was about over. I walked to the speaker’s lectern at the front of the room. I asked that everyone take a seat. I wanted the security staff, who had cooked and served breakfast this morning to also sit and listen. I gave a pep talk. I told everyone we were fighting the good fight. The consequences would be devastating to some but, no more so than the devastation felt by American soldiers and their families when a casualty happens to one of them. Americans are fighting a war we started but are afraid to finish. We will finish both these wars with little to no American loss of life.
To get the program started, I said “We have moved the attack date. The flight to Iran will take three hours, the flight to Afghanistan/Pakistan will take four hours and the flight to North Korea will take five hours. We will attack TODAY. The North Korean flight will leave at11:00 a. m. The Afghanistan/Pakistan flight will leave at noon and the Iran flight will take off at 1:00 p. m. Pilots and crew should be at the airplane hangar thirty minutes before take-off. All of the jets are fueled, armed and ready to leave. Each of them has exit equipment on board. If you encounter interference, attack or mechanical problems get as close to American territory or friendly countries as you can and ditch the plane. Each plane has information in the cockpit detailing friendly areas to get to. We have also reviewed this information during our pre-flight meetings. Nothing has changed since we reviewed the plan. Does anyone have any questions?”
This seemed to take everyone by surprise. That was the goal. I wanted to avoid last minute changes of heart and loss of courage or commitment.
“Since no one has any question, and I am flying the first jet, that is all. Go and make peace with your God, write a letter to your loved ones or grab a nap. Each crew has a security team assigned to it. They will see you are not late. Remember, you are coming back safely. We will worry about the aftermath once we are back on the island. I think we will be overcome by the United States military within two hours of the detonation. We want all bombs exploding as close to 4:00 p.m. as possible. We should all be back by 8:00 p.m. at the latest. GOOD LUCK AND MAY GOD BLESS US ALL!”
The plan was that if a pilot were contacted by authorities while in the air, before the bomb drop, they were to identify themselves as pilots for Air Hilton on a training flight. The information concerning the upstart airline should be in the authorities’ computers by now. If nothing else, this should buy the pilots a little time before being questioned further.
After the last plane takes off, everyone left on the ground will enter the bunker and wait for the planes to return. The bunker’s doors were hidden. The returning pilots knew a signal to give to those in the bunker. Everybody was to remain in the bunker until every plane had returned.
I was the first to take off along with my crew of one. Each plane took off on time with their one man crew. We were able to talk amongst ourselves since we were on training missions for Air Hilton. We had to speak in generalities and in code without mentioning our true destinations. The plan was to tell anyone that asked that we were on seven hour training flights working out any bugs in our communications and equipment. That way, being in the air a long time would not seem strange.
The flights to the drop sites went without any problems. Each of us was contacted by authorities but, they all accepted our explanations. I was fast approaching North Korean airspace. Each plane was closing in on hostile airspace. The next few minutes would determine our success. It was fifteen minutes before the scheduled drop time. Intentionally, all of the sites picked were relatively close to the border of the country we were going to bomb. This way, it would be difficult to justify attacking the planes. We could say we were lost, accidentally strayed into their airspace, stall them on the radio. It would also be hard to scramble military jets, get them in the air, find us, decide to shoot us down and then shoot us down. If we were attacked, and over the proper country, we were going to release the bombs before we were shot down.
I released my bomb on time and on target. The bombs were equipped with a crude guidance system we had modified to upgrade its controllability. They were also equipped with a remote detonation system and a timer. If the timer failed, the bomb could be detonated by pushing a firing code into the remote control and pushing fire. It was designed to operate within two thousand miles. The bombs were programmed to detonate thirty minutes after being released. They should explode within three minutes of each other if not sooner. It would take them eight minutes to reach the earth’s surface. As I was returning to the island, each of the other bombs were released on time and on target. It was three minutes until detonation. None of us had been contacted by the authorities or were being pursued by planes or missiles. Things looked very good from our viewpoint.
All three bombs detonated on time, by way of their timers. No one had to press a button. The deed was done. Now we would just wait for all hell to break loose. Each of us were contacted by international airspace authorities demanding our names and purpose. We told them the same thing as we told them before. They told us about the three weapon detonations, told us to be careful and land as soon as possible. We all acknowledged them, said we would be on the ground within thirty minutes and left the airways.
The news release and Manifesto went out as planned. Although I was never going to hide from my involvement in the attacks, not everyone wanted to be as open. Eight different editions of the news release went out. The eight versions claimed eight different persons or organizations were responsible for the attacks. They included Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Pakistan, The President of the United States, Warren Hilton, Lucas Larson, another wealthy industrialists, the Zeta, a Mexican drug cartel and Yemen. I admitted my involvement but, I muddied the waters a little bit. The names mentioned satisfied every nut case in the world who would fabricate the perpetrators. Additionally, many organizations incapable of pulling off an attack of this magnitude would claim responsibility. Obviously, throughout the world, people would walk into police stations and turn themselves in. False confessions are always popular in these types of situations someone is always looking for their fifteen minutes of fame.
We did as much as we could to eliminate all traces of nuclear material from the island, storage units, planes and ourselves. Much of this is done with simple washing with bleach and harsh detergents. Contaminated soil is moved and buried as deep as possible without contaminating surrounding soil or water. Sometimes it is encapsulated into steel or plastic drums. Cover-up is often as good as it gets. Our government has been trying to clean-up nuclear waste sites for decades and it just cannot be done effectively or cost justifiably. Nuclear waste will degrade over time. It degrades quicker in the first few years of its existence, then it hits a wall. Most nuclear work is based on theory. We really are not sure what will happen in the long-term. Science is supposed to be fact based but we are constantly changing science as we or nature proves ourselves wrong.
It was a matter of time before the island was invaded and investigated closely. While we waited for the inevitable, we kept close tabs on the news updates from the attacks. It appeared the loss of life was less than we projected. The property destruction was enormous but manageable. The claims of responsibility were running into the dozens. None of those claiming responsibility had the wherewithal to pull the attacks off.
The press was generally non-committal. It was obvious the attacks had an evil side but, a good side also exists. That was hard to ignore. Human beings die all the time. Many deaths were caused by the people we attacked. Is it good for many to die at once who were causing unspeakable horrors or for many to die over time, caused by the people we attacked and killed. We decided it was best to bite the bullet and take all the bad guys out at once. Either way, the bad guys are still dead. Is it my place to decide who is good and who is not? I decided it was since no one else would.
The results of the attack we pulled off two days ago will be debated for years. Some of my co-conspirators don’t think we went far enough. Some thought we went too far but, they participated in the mission. I was not against my name being talked about as a master-mind behind the attacks. Many of my fellow attackers wanted their involvement kept secret. We all made a pact to not disclose any information about the attack if we were discovered. It has been said before, “It is easier for three people to keep a secret if two of them are dead.”
Life will go on for me and my fellow mission-members, we just do not know what type of life it will be or how long it will last. Only the future will tell if our plan was a success. I would bet terrorism will disappear, as will drugs, American haters and communism.
Warren Hilton
Bruce A. Brennan
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