OCTOBER 18, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
October 18 is … No Beard Day
I am screwed today. I have had a beard for thirty straight years and over forty years during my life. None of my children have ever seen me without a beard. None of them knew me when I was in high school.
Here we go again. The end of the world is October 21, 2011. Are you ready?
Many people were among the thousands that changed their life and waited around, praying, when the May 21 "Judgment Day," predicted by California radio preacher Harold Camping and advertised by thousands of billboard and pamphleteers nationwide, came and went without event.
Now Oct. 21, the date of the supposed end of the world, is approaching. While the demonstrations and ads predicting the event have disappeared and Camping has gone silent, the thousands of people who quit their jobs and spent their savings to spread his teachings haven't.
Camping, whose Oakland, Calif.-based network of radio stations spent millions of dollars advertising the end-times and received a bounty of donations from listeners, initially said he was "flabbergasted" that nothing happened on May 21. He later said the God had brought down an invisible "spiritual judgment" upon humanity, and that the world was still scheduled to end in October.
Camping, who declined a request to be interviewed for this article, suffered a stroke in June and has not spoken at length on his signature Open Forum call-in show since. In his only public address, a recent a six-minute audio statement uploaded to the Family Radio website, he said his heath has improved and that he believes the end is "probably" near.
"I really am beginning to think as I restudied these matters that there's going to be no big display of any kind," said Camping, 90, in the recording. "The end is going to come very, very quietly, probably within the next month. It will happen, that is, by Oct. 21."
I wonder how much money ignorant people are sending this grifter this time.
This Iowa minister has had his world end. An Iowa minister has been charged with attempting to purchase sex after being busted in a prostitution sting, police said.
Rev. Jonathan L. Offt, 41, of Cedar Rapids, was one of nine men charged with one count of prostitution Friday. The men were taken into custody after they responded to a phony Internet ad and arranged to meet an undercover female police officer for sex, Marion Assistant Police Chief Shellene Gray told The Huffington Post.
Offt, a married father of one, has served as the senior pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church since 2003. The church has a school and house of worship in Cedar Rapids. Pat Ehler, business director of the church, said there is a general sense of sadness among the parishioners about what has happened.
"Trinity Lutheran Church and School is saddened by the most recent news story regarding Jonathan Offt," Ehler said in an email to The Huffington Post. "The proper authorities are handling the situation. The church and school request your prayers for all involved. We have no further comments at this time."
This is how many dictatorships, Communists countries and Socialist regimes. They tolerate protesters long enough to show the world how civilized they are and then they bring out the dogs, batons and water cannons. Guns with real bullets are next.
Over the week end, several cities and the powers that be decided the Occupy ‘whatever’ had been around long enough. The crackdown to break the back of the movement has begun. New York police say more than 80 people have been arrested in the latest demonstrations there against corporate greed.
Two police officers suffered injuries and had to be hospitalized Saturday. One had a head injury. Police spokesman Paul Browne said 42 people were arrested in Times Square after being warned repeatedly to disperse; three others were arrested earlier while trying to take down police barriers.
Two dozen people were arrested at a Citibank branch when they refused a manager's request to leave. Most were detained for trespassing. Five others were arrested for wearing masks. About 10 people were loaded into a police van at a Manhattan park after midnight after police announced the park had closed.
Police say they arrested around 175 Occupy Chicago protesters on early Sunday who refused to leave the city's Grant Park, the occupation's new base after weeks of demonstrations outside the Federal Reserve Bank.
Around 11:25 p.m., the Chicago Sun-Times reports that police began to warn the occupiers that their staying in the park violated a municipal code. When many protesters remained despite multiple warnings, around 1 a.m., police began to move in on a three-deep human chain around the occupied area.
One by one, police offered each protester a choice: to voluntarily leave the park or be arrested. Police commenced to arrest around 175 demonstrators, a process that lasted until around 3 a.m. The arrests were almost entirely peaceful, particularly when compared with violent outbursts at a similar demonstration in Rome.
According to the Tribune, while the arrests were taking place, demonstrators chanted, "Shame on Rahm! Shame on Rahm!" Some demonstrators seem to feel Chicago's mayor is lacking in sympathy for the "occupy" movement, while mayors in other cities where protests are taking place have supported or even joined in on demonstrations.
This is why we cannot let the government take our guns and gun rights away from us.
Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too or at least think about.
DEKALB, IL 60115
Email: brucebrennanlaw@aol.com
Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book is now available. The title is Public EneMe?
www.barnesandnoble.com (do a quick search, Title, my name)
www.smashwords.com Do a Title or author search.
Book Titles:
Holmes the Ripper
A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction
Public EneMe?
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - Lord Acton