SEPTEMBER 11, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
September 11 is … No News Is Good News Day
I am proud to be an American. I will not apologize for my country or for being an American. President Obama sees it differently.
Since 911, the economy has collapsed; unemployment has exploded; we have lost many of our rights to privacy; the government can scan, search and fondle the citizens without probable cause or even reasonable suspicion; the cost of air travel has increased; taxes and fees have increased; the size of government has increased; we have started two wars; we have invaded four countries; home ownership has become a burden; we can no longer effectively govern under the two party system of democracy; we all know of the illegal immigration problem and refuse to deal with it; we reward laziness; welfare has increased; we take from the rich and give, give, give to the poor and lazy; we reward giving birth to children out of wedlock; we cannot pray in schools or in most government buildings; our government fights to protect the Muslim religion but no other religion; a church can protest at funerals of soldiers killed in combat but if someone tries to block the building of a Muslim center at ground zero, you are called a bigot and politicians line up to support the building; the government was responsible for the economic collapse in 2008 and the resultant failed bailout and responded by hiring the private sector people that caused the collapse to fix the problem; we keep throwing money at education and continue to think that is the answer.
A lot has changed since September 11, 2001. A lot has stayed the same since September 11, 2001. Who is winning the terrorist battle, them or us?
Today is the tenth anniversary of the cowardly attacks on the United States and its non-military citizens by the war-hungry, useless religion, Islam. We should investigate every Muslim in this country as a matter of public safety and national security. This is a democracy. The few may lose to the will of the many. Live with it or get out.
The attacks of ten years ago have cost this country and the rest of the world enormously in a financial analysis. It has cost the innocent loss in rights to privacy, freedom of movement and the pursuit of happiness. The Courts once again concern overly themselves with the rights of the guilty, suspicious and useless while trampling on the rights of the law abiders.
The attacks of 911 have added costs to nearly every aspect of our lives. Air travel is now nearly unbearable yet no safer. The government says it is safer because we have not had any more attacks since 911. We did not have any before 911 so only the hassle and cost have changed. The minor incidents the government gloats about preventing have only failed because of the incompetence of the attacker not the diligence of the government. The underwear bomber failed because he put the bomb together poorly. The Times Square bomber failed because his bomb failed to detonate. The government did not prevent either attack; the attacks were failures not prevented.
No more than 4 ounces of liquid on a plane unless you buy it from the airline. I guess if you blow a small hole in a plane caused by 4 ounces it is OK but no more. I have a solution. People only on commercial airliners. A jet follows with all of the gear and baggage. Pay the pilot of the gear plane a little more if it is deemed more dangerous. The same concept could work with trains and buses.
Allow people easier access to forms of identification. If you apply for a fraudulent ID you go to jail for ten years. No bail while awaiting trial. No credit for time served. After ten years, the urge to secure a false ID will have passed. Additionally, since we have had this person in custody for at least ten years, we will know who they are by the time we release them and we can issue them an ID upon said release.
Let me use cash again. Do not track my use of cash. Crime has not decreased since we started restricting the free flow of currency so what purpose is it serving?
The Islamic extremists and Muslims in general have profoundly impacted the lives of Americans for the worse. We cannot kill them all but we can isolate them. Have absolutely no relationship with any Muslim nation or any country over 40% Muslim and any country helping Muslim nations. The rest of the world will beat a path back to our door and away from rogue nations like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, etc. What good does it do to be the most powerful nation and richest nation in the world if we cannot impose our might on the world? I think most people will agree the world was a better place from 1946 to 2001 than it is today. I wonder why?
Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese on December 7, 1941. During the ten years after that event, the United States won WWII and got involved in the Korean War, it was in a stalemate from July 1952 to the end. The United States prospered economically in a growth pattern that lasted nearly 35 years. Unemployment was at a low to the point that this country was in reality at 100% employment. The only ones that did not work did not want to work. We were proud to be Americans. We were the world power every other country looked up to. Even the Soviet Union was jealous of our success and power as they strived to beat us.
President FD Roosevelt never apologized for America. President Harry Truman never apologized for America. No President except Obama has ever apologized for America.
Ten years after 911 we are a laughing stock to much of the world. Few nations fear us. Many nations are ahead of us economically. We have started two wars that resulted in little if any good. The nations we attacked and invaded are worse off today than they were on the day we invaded them. We are a giant ATM for the world and we are too stupid to realize, too proud to stop it or just don’t care enough to tell the world to go to hell.
God bless the USA; go to hell the rest.
These are just my ramblings and thoughts. Some are good, some re bad, some are idiotic but they are all American.
Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too or at least think about.
DEKALB, IL 60115
Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (Do search by my name or book Title) (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.
Book Titles:
Holmes the Ripper
A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction
"Beware the fury of the patient man." - John Dryden