JUNE 1, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
June 1 is … Dare Day
I dare you to call me a liar. June is busting out all over, all over
On Memorial Day, the City of Chicago closed beaches because it was too hot. It is my understanding the beaches are not open in the winter because it is too cold. Why does the City of Chicago have beaches? They could save the expense of operating them, although they apparently don’t operate them, if they just get rid of them. I bet the City of Chicago paid all the workers they sent home early so I am not sure they saved any money. They lost money just from the people that parked and had to leave, reducing the parking expense parkers had to pay. Closing a beach because it is too hot is moronic, at best and it is close to dereliction of duty. How can it be too hot to keep a beach open? Don’t you go to the beach to cool down?
Hey Rahm, how is this mayor thing working out for you. Now that you talked Springfield into giving you a casino, I hope you don’t have to close it because it makes too much money. I wouldn’t spend any casino money yet, Rahm. Governor Milquetoast has not made a decision on the idea. He is waiting for that last rush of campaign contributions to come in before he decides which side he is on, or which side he is told he is on.
The real reason the beaches were closed is because of a heavy presence of gang members. So now the gangs are the Chicago entertainment directors for the new mayor. Sure wouldn’t want the police to do their job. We will just surrender to the gangs instead. Arres the gangs and let the courts sort it out. Do not deprive honest citizens the use and enjoyment of a public asset tax dollars pay for. I doubt the gang members pay taxes on their ill-gotten gains.
Egypt is a prime example of why we should not force our will and fondness of democracy on the world. Since Mubarak's fall on Feb. 11, the military has led crackdowns on peaceful protests, and critics accuse it of failing to restore security in the streets or launch serious national dialogue on a clear path forward for Egypt. Who didn’t see this coming other than Washington?
Activists, foreigners and bloggers are pressing Egypt's military rulers to investigate accusations of serious abuses against protesters, including claims that soldiers subjected female detainees to so-called "virginity tests.”
Bloggers say they will hold a day of online protest Wednesday to voice their outrage, adding to criticism of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, which took control of the country from ousted President Hosni Mubarak in February. The accusations of virginity tests first surfaced after a March 9 rally in Cairo's Tahrir Square that turned violent when men in plain clothes attacked protesters and the army intervened forcefully to clear the square.
One woman who was arrested spoke out about her treatment, and Amnesty International further documented the abuse allegations in a report that found 18 female detainees were threatened with prostitution charges and forced to undergo virginity tests. They were also beaten up and given electric shocks, the report said. Egypt's military rulers have come under heavy criticism from the youth protest movement, which is upset at the pace of reforms that they hope will lead Egypt to democracy.
America and most of the non-Muslim, non-Middle Eastern world wil ever understand how they operate. Egypt has had a good run for thousands of years. Who and what gives foreigners the right to tell them how to govern now? We pushed Egypt back decades in their evolution and we are doing the same thing tom Libya. Gadhafi just won’t roll over for us.
Notable births on June 1st:
1801 Brigham Young religious leader (Mormon Church)/polygamist
1921 Nelson Riddle Oradell NJ, musical conductor (Batman, Frank Sinatra)
1926 Andy Griffith Mount Airy NC, actor (Andy Griffith Show, Matlock)
1926 Marilyn Monroe [Norma Jean Baker], actress (Some Like It Hot)
1926 Marilyn Monroe [Norma Jean Baker], actress (Some Like It Hot)
1934 Pat Boone Florida, singer/actor (April Love, Cross & Switchblade)
Notable events on June 1st:
1495 1st written record of Scotch Whiskey appears in Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Friar John Cor is the distiller
1638 1st earthquake recorded in US, at Plymouth, Mass
1774 British govt orders Port of Boston closed
1789 1st US congressional act becomes law (on administering oaths)
1638 1st earthquake recorded in US, at Plymouth, Mass
1774 British govt orders Port of Boston closed
1789 1st US congressional act becomes law (on administering oaths)
1843 It snows in Buffalo & Rochester NY & Cleveland Ohio
1861 1st skirmish in the Civil War, Fairfax Court House, Va
1861 US & Confederacy simultaneously stop mail interchange
1862 Gen Lee assumes command after Joe Johnston is injured at 7 Pines
1864 Battle of Cold Harbour, VA
1861 US & Confederacy simultaneously stop mail interchange
1862 Gen Lee assumes command after Joe Johnston is injured at 7 Pines
1864 Battle of Cold Harbour, VA
1925 Lou Gehrig replaces Wally Pipp (1st of record 2130 consecutive games)
1938 Superman Comics launched. Not modeled after Lou Gehrig.
1967 Beatles release Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band in US & goes gold.
1968 Simon & Garfunkel's "Mrs Robinson" hits #1
1969 Tobacco advertising is banned on Canadian radio & TV
1971 Ed Sullivan's final TV show
1973 Paul McCartney & Wings release "Live & Let Die"
1974 Bundy victim Brenda Ball disappears from Burien, Wash
1975 Calif Angel Nolan Ryan 4th no-hitter beats Balt. Orioles, 1-0
1975 Ron Woods replaces Mick Taylor as Rolling Stone guitarist
1968 Simon & Garfunkel's "Mrs Robinson" hits #1
1969 Tobacco advertising is banned on Canadian radio & TV
1971 Ed Sullivan's final TV show
1973 Paul McCartney & Wings release "Live & Let Die"
1974 Bundy victim Brenda Ball disappears from Burien, Wash
1975 Calif Angel Nolan Ryan 4th no-hitter beats Balt. Orioles, 1-0
1975 Ron Woods replaces Mick Taylor as Rolling Stone guitarist
1980 Ted Turner's Cable News Network begins broadcasting
Look, June is still busting out all over, all over.
Just a couple of thoughts I had.
DEKALB, IL 60115
Email: brucebrennanlaw@aol.com
Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming.
www.ebookmall.com (Do search by my name or book Title)
http://www.barnesandnoble.com/ (do a quick search, Title, my name)
www.smashwords.com Do a Title or author search.
Book Titles:
Holmes the Ripper
A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction
"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught." - Oscar Wilde