December 23, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
December 23 is … Roots Day
Once this child grows up, if the parents allow such a thing to happen, he will have no roots. I wrote about the Denver Girl Scouts not admitting a boy and then changing its decision last fall. The ‘mother’ claims some voodoo crap about the seven year old being trapped in the wrong body. That is something all seven year olds concern themselves with.
The repercussions from this ‘witch doctor’ mother putting her in front of the line as opposed to the majority are now being suffered by many so this selfish screwball can have her way. A Colorado-based Girl Scouts troop's decision to admit a 7-year-old transgender child this fall has prompted three leaders to resign and dissolve their troops.
As The Christian Post is reporting, all three of the troop leaders were affiliated with the Northlake Christian School in Covington, Louisiana. Susan Bryant-Snure, one of the leaders who resigned, told The Baptist Press that the Girl Scouts' action is "extremely confusing" and an "almost dangerous situation" for children. "This goes against what we [Northlake Christian School] believe," said Bryant-Snure, who has three daughters among the 25 girls who had been active scouts there.
The controversy began when Felisha Archuleta protested against a Denver troop's decision to not initially allow her transgender daughter, Bobby Montoya, to join the group. "I believe he was born in the wrong body," Archuleta, who also confessed to having difficulty switching from male to female pronouns when discussing her child, told ABC. "But the Girl Scout leader told us he can't join because he has 'boy parts.'... But no one would know he's a boy unless they pulled his pants down."
The Girl Scouts of Colorado subsequently released a statement through the Gay and Lesbian Alliance against Defamation (GLAAD) in support of Archuleta and her excluded daughter, noting, "If a child identifies as a girl and the child's family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout." Added Rachelle Trujillo, vice president for communications of the Colorado Girl Scouts: "If a child is living as a girl, that's good enough for us. We don't require any proof of gender."
Bryant-Snure and her fellow leaders are now expected to align themselves with the American Heritage Girls, a Christian organization that was founded in 1995 in response to the Girl Scouts' decision to let scouts use a word other than "God" in their pledge, according to She Wired.
Revisiting one more story before Christmas, we have this. Apparently it wasn't just strippers running wild and having sex in Miami's federal prisons prosecutors say a prison employee was up to some hanky-panky, too.
Jack Chris Jackson, 45, plead guilty Tuesday to sexual abuse of a ward, the Department of Justice announced. The former U.S. Bureau of Prisons employee admitted he had a sexual relationship with an inmate at the all-male minimum security Federal Correctional Institute for a year, and also admitted to having sex with other inmates. Under federal law, sexual relations between prison staff and inmates, even if both are consenting, is considered abuse. Jackson faces a maximum of 15 years in prison at his sentencing, scheduled for March.
"This correction officer abused his official position to engage in sexual relationships with his wards," said Wifredo Ferrer, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida. "This conduct is an intolerable breach of trust that not only endangers the safety of inmates but also compromises prison security."
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Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too or at least you should think about.
DEKALB, IL 60115
Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book is available. It makes a great Christmas present. More information will be forthcoming about my fourth book currently under construction. (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.
Book Titles:
Holmes the Ripper
A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction
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