JUNE 7, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
June 7 is … National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
Grab some Chocolate Ice Cream for tomorrow evening. Then, on the way home, stop by Walmart and buy the Jeff Bridges version of True Grit. It comes out on DVD Tuesday. It is a fine movie, true to the John Wayne version and well worth your time. Escape to the Wild West for a couple of hours, just have enough Chocolate Ice Cream on hand. The movie has typical western violence in it but nothing to offend children or embarrass mom and dad while watching it with the kids.
The $64,000 Question, a 1955 summer replacement show, with host Hal March, premiered on this day. The first show became the most watched and talked about program on TV. Contestants had to answer 10 questions correctly beginning at $64 and doubling the amount with each correct answer upward to the $4,000 category. Getting this far got you a return trip to the show the following week. The consolation prize for an incorrect answer, after reaching the $8,000 plateau, was a new Cadillac. At this level, you got a free trip to the Revlon isolation booth where you literally sweated your way from $8,000 to $16,000 to $32,000, and finally, the big one. An expert was permitted to accompany the contestant at the $64,000 mark. If neither of them could answer the question correctly, the contestant received a consolation prize of $4,000. Questions were compiled by Dr. Bergen Evans.
This, the first of the big-money TV shows, attracted guests with unusual interests. Some of the better-remembered were Gino Prato, a Bronx, New York shoemaker who used his knowledge of opera to win $32,000, Jockey Billy Pearson, an art expert and one of the first to win $64,000, and psychologist Joyce Brothers, an expert in boxing, who won big not only in cash, but in her new career as media personality.
The biggest winner was 11-year-old Robert Strom, who won $192,000. The $64,000 Question had added three new plateaus by now and several spin-off quiz shows: The $64,000 Challenge and The Big Surprise.
On November 2, 1958 we witnessed the demise of The $64,000 Question as the quiz-show-rigging scandal ended this type of show. The real $64,000 question will always be: was the show rigged or not?
Is Dr. Joyce Brothers still around and is she still a boxing expert?
On this date in 1969 the rock group Blind Faith made its British debut at a free concert at London’s Hyde Park. Over 100,000 fans attended what was called “the most remarkable gathering of young people ever seen in England.” The group was composed of Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker, Stevie Winwood and Rick Grech. Cream had several of the same members. They played in a White Room, with no curtains at the station.
The German government and their ‘experts’ in infectious diseases is as incompetent as ours is. First they blamed Spain but that was wrong. Sunday they said it was from sprouts grown on an organic farm in Northern Germany. On Monday, the government officials reversed course and said it was not from the sprouts. Like most of these events, by the time our ‘experts’ tell us where it came from, it will have run its course and be over with anyway. Then they will say we need to know the source to prevent another outbreak even though this has never happened before and will never happen again, most likely.
The bimbos are coming out of the woodwork in the Weinergate scandal. Mare photos and sexting messages are coming out as well as evidence Rep. Weiner has at least one alias Yahoo account. He had a press conference and admitted all the photos and messages are his. He admitted lying for the last week. He then asked for sympathy to protect his loved ones, the same ones he was behaving badly on. He said this activity has been going on for three years. This guy will not survive this scandal. He should resign now and move on. He is not sorry. He is sorry he got caught. His family should walk away from him.
In my research of Anthony Weiner, named one of the fiftieth most influential Jewish people in America, I went to his web site. It is not much of a web site. When I tried to download the Congressman’s bio, I was directed away from the site. It must be under construction, like removing all references to his wife and family values and his trustworthiness. At least that is my guess. We are watching another weirdo implode in his own ego and self-importance. I have seen this movie before. Weiner appears to be the only one who does not know how it ends.
Just a couple of thoughts I had.
DEKALB, IL 60115
Email: brucebrennanlaw@aol.com
Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming.
www.ebookmall.com (Do search by my name or book Title)
http://www.barnesandnoble.com/ (do a quick search, Title, my name)
www.smashwords.com Do a Title or author search.
Book Titles:
Holmes the Ripper
A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction
"Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself." - William Faulkner