May 23, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
May 23 is … Penny Day. What a thought.
Tornados ravaged Missouri, killed in Minnesota and damaging storms were reported in Oklahoma, Illinois and Wisconsin and points in between. Cleanup is coming with the breaking dawn.
These volcano eruptions in Iceland are becoming annoying. This is going to be used by the airline industry as an excuse to raise fares that will not go down when the volcano’s impact is passed. I can see a “Volcano Impact Fee” in our future.
David Gregory did it again on Sunday on Meet The Press. This time he ambushed Paul Ryan from Wisconsin. He was asking Ryan about the ignorant and party splitting comments by Newton Leroy Gingrich from last week when Gingrich threw Ryan under the bus and sounded more Democrat than Republican. Ryan answered the questions but Gregory would not accept the answers and kept pushing him. Ryan did not back down. I know politicians rarely answer questions directly but rather give the answer to a question they wanted asked or start their answer by saying, “The real question that needs to be answered is…” When Gregory has a Democrat on the show, he accepts the answers and shills for the Democrats but not Republicans. NBC needs to get this biased liberal off the air for the upcoming campaign or change their call letters to DNBC, Democratic National Broadcasting Company. At least FOX News is honest and upfront about their allegiance.
President Obama sat in our White House and was lectured by the Israeli leader, the leader of a country that would not exist if we did not support them. Obama should have stood up, said “This meeting is over.” and left the room. Why do we owe the Jews so much? We surely do not need them coming to our White House, hat in hand and lecturing our President.
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels said he will not seek the Republican Presidential nomination. He never would have won. Trading someone from Illinois for someone from Indiana would not play in most of the other 48 states.
This leaves the door wide open for Rick Perry from Texas to change his mind, Chris Christie from New Jersey to change his mind or Paul Ryan to change his mind. It is also a big boost for Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota but I think Minnesota has too liberal of a reputation to overcome.
Christie is young enough to wait until 2016 as is Paul Ryan. Perry should jump in now. Mitt Romney is not electable nationally as a Mormon. None of the other candidates or potential candidates has a legitimate chance at victory nationally and the Republican Party has a history of not nominating unelectable candidates. Obviously they do not all win but they all have a chance at winning.
With Obama all but running unopposed, I believe he will run a Rose Garden Campaign. I do not see why he would agree to any debates. He has a bully pulpit and will use it. Money does not seem to be an issue for Obama with his history of rewarding large contributors with lucrative positions or appointments. People flock to the great black hope if for no other reason than to look enlightened and anti-racist.
Jane Seymour, apparently an actress that was once a bond girl, says she is aware of two more bastards Arnold Schwarzenegger he fathered during his marriage to Maria Shriver. How or why she would know this information is unclear.
Sarah Palin has chimed in with her opinion, saying she feels sorry for the children and that the whole affair “It speaks to his character. It is sad.” That is from the mother of a girl who gave birth to a bastard in her early teens. Her daughter broke the law to get pregnant, had a tabloid relationship with the alleged father, appeared on TV scantily dressed on a dancing show, prostituting her fifteen minutes, has had reconstructive surgery before she turned twenty and never seems to be involved in the raising of her child. This speaks to the daughter’s character and the character of the daughter’s parents.
Just a couple of thoughts I had.
DEKALB, IL 60115
Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (Do search by my name or book Title) (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.
Book Titles:
Holmes the Ripper
A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill