Sunday, June 5, 2011

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, MARY K. 35 years is just the beginning.

JUNE 5, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
June 5 is … Festival of Popular Delusions Day
Today is my 35th anniversary. Happy Anniversary Mary K., I love you. Thank you for a wonderful ride. I was not delusional on June 5, 1976 when I married my young bride. This song is for you, babe.

John Edwards had a tough week. His lawyers and he claimed his innocence. One of the six counts against him is for lying. Nobody believes him and no one has for a year. He should just shut-up and hire smarter lawyers. During his press conference after Court he said he did not break the law and a minute or so later said he did not do anything he knew was illegal. He is a lawyer. He made millions as a Plaintiff’s ambulance chaser. He knows the law.

It has long been said his late wife, Elizabeth, was the real mover and shaker in his world. She was once quoted as saying “…you don’t even read. You’re a hick.” I do not know if he is a hick but he has no ethical backbone. How do you pay a woman you are having sex with and impregnate over $700.000.00 to act as your campaign videographer and ask an aide to claim the bastard was the aides and not expect to get caught. This was all going on while his wife was dying from cancer.

By paying the woman for sex Edwards made her a prostitute which makes John Edwards a real john, bordering on a pimp. The woman, although good-looking, is not much better than Edwards. She is a home wrecker, getting pregnant, likely on purpose knowing he had money to pay her off, agreeing to the story about the campaign aide, who was also married, and living a life of luxury on campaign contributor’s dime. She is a gold-digger. The campaign aide is an idiot. No one in this story has clean hands but they two things in common, sex and greed.

President Obama did not have a much better week. The economy is moving backwards, still slumping in a recession that will not end. Unemployment is out of control. No matter how many times Obama or his people put a favorable spin on economic news it does not change the fact the economy is mired in a sustained downturn. Gas prices are rocketing up, unemployment is going up, job growth is declining, taxes are going up, states, cities and counties are broke and Obama wants to raise taxes.

The Health Care Reform Act has been the law for well over a year. Where is the savings we were promised? Where is the affordable insurance? Where is the improved health care delivery?

Obama has very little to be proud of in his being President. He got bin Laden and probably wishes he had kept that card to play closer to the election.

All of the bad news has knocked Weinergate from the headlines. I bet Weiner is happy.

The DeKalb County Liners had their home opener Saturday night. They won. They play again tonight and Monday night. All games are at Sycamore Park off Airport Road in Sycamore. Night games start at 7:05 p.m. or 6:05 p.m. depending on the day of the week. It is quality, affordable baseball with competitive action between players that play at the College level. The food available is tasty and inexpensive as are the beverages. Alcohol is served. The Liners offer a wide assortment of activities before the first pitch and between innings. The crowd participates in much of the entertainment.

Like the Liners on Facebook or visit the Liners web site.

Go to the games and support the Liners. It is a good time for all ages and is kid friendly.
Just a couple of thoughts I had.
DEKALB, IL 60115

Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (Do search by my name or book Title) (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.

Book Titles:

Holmes the Ripper

A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction