The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
September 6 is … Fight Procrastination Day
From last week. When President Obama loses the support of Keith Olbermann, it has to be a proper decision that will sit well with the Republicans. This is another example of many showing our President has no guts, no backbone and no clue. He gave in before the fight even started. Later, he will apologize to the polluters.
Keith Olbermann excoriated President Obama on his Friday show for halting the impending toughening of environmental regulations against smog. The announcement from the White House that it would keep widely criticized 2006 regulations in place until at least 2013 did not sit well with Olbermann. In the voiceover introduction to his show, he thundered, "what the hell is going on in the White House?"
Olbermann said that Obama had given a huge gift to polluters and corporations, and had delivered an equally large "whack across the knees" to his base.
"It seems, in short, to reduce his campaign logic to 'what are you going to do, vote for Rick Perry?'" Olbermann said. He noted that Obama's EPA administrator had called the 2006 standards "not legally defensible," and scoffed at the president's stated excuse for not updating them -- that, since the standards were going to be reviewed in 2013, he did not want to ask states and businesses to undergo two rounds of tinkering with their environmental policies.
"So, if you're having trouble breathing, or if you just occasionally do breathe, kindly help the president out and hold your breath until the year 2013 or later," Olbermann said. Later, speaking to a guest about the issue, he was equally scornful. "Who on earth in the White House thinks this is a positive for them and in which delusional parallel universe do they live?" he asked.
Where did you come up with your computer password or your ATM PIN?
Common Passwords:
ncc1701 The ship number for the Starship Enterprise
thx1138 The name of George Lucas’s first movie, a 1971 remake of an earlier student project
qazwsx Follows a simple pattern when typed on a typical keyboard
666666 Six sixes
7777777 Seven sevens
ou812 The title of a 1988 Van Halen album
8675309 The number mentioned in the 1982 Tommy Tutone song. The song supposedly caused an epidemic of people dialing 867- 5309 and asking for “Jenny”
Approximately one out of every nine people uses at least one password on the list shown in Table 9.1! And one out of every 50 people uses one of the top 20 worst passwords.
Below is a list the top 500 worst passwords of all time, not considering character case. Don’t blame me for the offensive words; you were the ones who picked these, not me.
NO | Top 1-100 | Top 101–200 | Top 201–300 | Top 301–400 | Top 401–500 |
1 | 123456 | porsche | firebird | prince | rosebud |
2 | password | guitar | butter | beach | jaguar |
3 | 12345678 | chelsea | united | amateur | great |
4 | 1234 | black | turtle | 7777777 | cool |
5 | pussy | diamond | steelers | muffin | cooper |
6 | 12345 | nascar | tiffany | redsox | 1313 |
7 | dragon | jackson | zxcvbn | star | scorpio |
8 | qwerty | cameron | tomcat | testing | mountain |
9 | 696969 | 654321 | golf | shannon | madison |
10 | mustang | computer | bond007 | murphy | 987654 |
11 | letmein | amanda | bear | frank | brazil |
12 | baseball | wizard | tiger | hannah | lauren |
13 | master | xxxxxxxx | doctor | dave | japan |
14 | michael | money | gateway | eagle1 | naked |
15 | football | phoenix | gators | 11111 | squirt |
16 | shadow | mickey | angel | mother | stars |
17 | monkey | bailey | junior | nathan | apple |
18 | abc123 | knight | thx1138 | raiders | alexis |
19 | pass | iceman | porno | steve | aaaa |
20 | fuckme | tigers | badboy | forever | bonnie |
21 | 6969 | purple | debbie | angela | peaches |
22 | jordan | andrea | spider | viper | jasmine |
23 | harley | horny | melissa | ou812 | kevin |
24 | ranger | dakota | booger | jake | matt |
25 | iwantu | aaaaaa | 1212 | lovers | qwertyui |
26 | jennifer | player | flyers | suckit | danielle |
27 | hunter | sunshine | fish | gregory | beaver |
28 | fuck | morgan | porn | buddy | 4321 |
29 | 2000 | starwars | matrix | whatever | 4128 |
30 | test | boomer | teens | young | runner |
31 | batman | cowboys | scooby | nicholas | swimming |
32 | trustno1 | edward | jason | lucky | dolphin |
33 | thomas | charles | walter | helpme | gordon |
34 | tigger | girls | cumshot | jackie | casper |
35 | robert | booboo | boston | monica | stupid |
36 | access | coffee | braves | midnight | shit |
37 | love | xxxxxx | yankee | college | saturn |
38 | buster | bulldog | lover | baby | gemini |
39 | 1234567 | ncc1701 | barney | cunt | apples |
40 | soccer | rabbit | victor | brian | august |
41 | hockey | peanut | tucker | mark | 3333 |
42 | killer | john | princess | startrek | canada |
43 | george | johnny | mercedes | sierra | blazer |
44 | sexy | gandalf | 5150 | leather | cumming |
45 | andrew | spanky | doggie | 232323 | hunting |
46 | charlie | winter | zzzzzz | 4444 | kitty |
47 | superman | brandy | gunner | beavis | rainbow |
48 | asshole | compaq | horney | bigcock | 112233 |
49 | fuckyou | carlos | bubba | happy | arthur |
50 | dallas | tennis | 2112 | sophie | cream |
51 | jessica | james | fred | ladies | calvin |
52 | panties | mike | johnson | naughty | shaved |
53 | pepper | brandon | xxxxx | giants | surfer |
54 | 1111 | fender | tits | booty | samson |
55 | austin | anthony | member | blonde | kelly |
56 | william | blowme | boobs | fucked | paul |
57 | daniel | ferrari | donald | golden | mine |
58 | golfer | cookie | bigdaddy | 0 | king |
59 | summer | chicken | bronco | fire | racing |
60 | heather | maverick | penis | sandra | 5555 |
61 | hammer | chicago | voyager | pookie | eagle |
62 | yankees | joseph | rangers | packers | hentai |
63 | joshua | diablo | birdie | einstein | newyork |
64 | maggie | sexsex | trouble | dolphins | little |
65 | biteme | hardcore | white | 0 | redwings |
66 | enter | 666666 | topgun | chevy | smith |
67 | ashley | willie | bigtits | winston | sticky |
68 | thunder | welcome | bitches | warrior | cocacola |
69 | cowboy | chris | green | sammy | animal |
70 | silver | panther | super | slut | broncos |
71 | richard | yamaha | qazwsx | 8675309 | private |
72 | fucker | justin | magic | zxcvbnm | skippy |
73 | orange | banana | lakers | nipples | marvin |
74 | merlin | driver | rachel | power | blondes |
75 | michelle | marine | slayer | victoria | enjoy |
76 | corvette | angels | scott | asdfgh | girl |
77 | bigdog | fishing | 2222 | vagina | apollo |
78 | cheese | david | asdf | toyota | parker |
79 | matthew | maddog | video | travis | qwert |
80 | 121212 | hooters | london | hotdog | time |
81 | patrick | wilson | 7777 | paris | sydney |
82 | martin | butthead | marlboro | rock | women |
83 | freedom | dennis | srinivas | xxxx | voodoo |
84 | ginger | fucking | internet | extreme | magnum |
85 | blowjob | captain | action | redskins | juice |
86 | nicole | bigdick | carter | erotic | abgrtyu |
87 | sparky | chester | jasper | dirty | 777777 |
88 | yellow | smokey | monster | ford | dreams |
89 | camaro | xavier | teresa | freddy | maxwell |
90 | secret | steven | jeremy | arsenal | music |
91 | dick | viking | 11111111 | access14 | rush2112 |
92 | falcon | snoopy | bill | wolf | russia |
93 | taylor | blue | crystal | nipple | scorpion |
94 | 111111 | eagles | peter | iloveyou | rebecca |
95 | 131313 | winner | pussies | alex | tester |
96 | 123123 | samantha | cock | florida | mistress |
97 | bitch | house | beer | eric | phantom |
98 | hello | miller | rocket | legend | billy |
99 | scooter | flower | theman | movie | 6666 |
100 | please | jack | oliver | success | albe |
Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too or at least think about.
DEKALB, IL 60115
Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (Do search by my name or book Title) (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.
Book Titles:
Holmes the Ripper
A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction
"Whenever morality is based on theology, whenever right is made dependent on divine authority, the most immoral, unjust, infamous things can be justified and established." - Ludwig Feuerbach