AUGUST 24, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
August 24 is … Knife Day
A sharp knife cuts the quickest and hurts the least. The accuser of DSK may be about to find this out. He is strongly considering filing a counterclaim for defamation, abuse of process and other causes of action against the maid who accused him of rape. The criminal charges against DSK were dismissed on Tuesday because of the lies of the accuser.
Her lawyer was quick to file a lawsuit against the wealthy DSK knowing he would get a large per centage of the result. You do not get a per centage in defending a lawsuit and I doubt the maid has the money to pay for a defense. I hope he moves forward with the counterclaim. It is about time someone fights back against the golddiggers in the world.
Charges dropped against DSK. What prominent citizen of the world will be ruined next based on the money-grabbing accusations of a lying, illegal alien? It is hunting season on the rich and powerful.
Mitt Romney would just as soon this story not get legs although what it reports has been known for years. The 7 Best and Worst States for Individual Health-Insurance Premiums are as follows. For those who don't have the luxury of employer-paid health coverage, finding out what individual coverage costs can be a challenge.
A new study that the Kaiser Family Foundation released in early August could help to make it easier. The foundation analyzed data compiled by Mark Farrah Associates to determine the average premiums for individual health insurance across the U.S. last year.
A new study that the Kaiser Family Foundation released in early August could help to make it easier. The foundation analyzed data compiled by Mark Farrah Associates to determine the average premiums for individual health insurance across the U.S. last year.
While the national average monthly premium per person was $215, the prices were all over the place, from a high of $437 in Massachusetts to a low of $136 in Alabama.
Why so much difference? According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, there's plenty of reasons for the range: cost of living; state demographics, such as age distribution; varying health-care costs; the plans' effectiveness at controlling costs; the benefits offered by the different plans, the patient cost-sharing required; and others.
In some places, a higher price is partly due to reforms. Massachusetts and Vermont, for example, require people with pre-existing health conditions to be able to enroll. In states where medical underwriting is permitted, rates may be lower because the risk pools include a healthier-than-average population.
Why so much difference? According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, there's plenty of reasons for the range: cost of living; state demographics, such as age distribution; varying health-care costs; the plans' effectiveness at controlling costs; the benefits offered by the different plans, the patient cost-sharing required; and others.
In some places, a higher price is partly due to reforms. Massachusetts and Vermont, for example, require people with pre-existing health conditions to be able to enroll. In states where medical underwriting is permitted, rates may be lower because the risk pools include a healthier-than-average population.
Then too, just because premiums are lower in some states doesn't mean those patients are necessarily better off. People enrolled in those plans may have to pay higher deductibles or co-payments that offset their savings in premiums.
What's the takeaway? Shop wisely. "There are a lot of variations," says Gary Claxton, vice president of the Kaiser Family Foundation. "Think about what level of coverage you want. Then, don't rely on one source of information. Check out online brokers as well as an insurance agent." Know too that even if you live in a state where premiums are high, it doesn't mean you will have to pay top dollar. "Look for plans where you can pay a higher deductible," Claxton says. "You'll get the protection you need at a lower premium, though if you only go to the doctor a couple of times a year, you might have to pay for that out-of-pocket." In 2014, the Affordable Care Act kicks in. That will mean big changes in how you can buy health insurance on your own. Start studying up now so you'll be ready to make smart moves in the future.
The best and worst States for cost of coverage are;
Best Worst
Alabama $136.00/month Massachusetts $ 437.00/month
California $157.00/month Vermont $401.00/month
Arkansas $163.00/month New Jersey $304.00/month
Idaho $167.00/month New York $357.00/month
Delaware $169.00/month Rhode Island $344.00/month
Utah $173.00/month West Virginia $333.00/month
Florida $178.00.month Connecticut $306.00/month
I am not sure it is worth moving to Alabama for cheaper health insurance but wait until Obamacare really kicks in. We may all be moving somewhere like to the poor house.
BP is being investigated by the United States Justice Department for lying and intentionally releasing false and misleading information about the Gulf oil spill in 2010. This should not be a surprise. I do not know a person that believed the information being released by BP at the time.
The Obama Administration failed to get a grip on this problem, choosing to lead from behind again. Now they are seeking to make headlines by making BP look like the bad guy over a year later. BP is the bad guy. They could not have looked worse than at the time this was happening. This administration is a joke and embarrassment to the citizens of the United States. If they did not see the lies being told by BP at the time, they are also ignorant and incompetent.
Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too or at least think about.
DEKALB, IL 60115
Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (Do search by my name or book Title) (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.
Book Titles:
Holmes the Ripper
A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction
"What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say." - Ralph Waldo Emerson