JULY 6, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
July 6 is … National Fried Chicken Day
It is hard to beat fried chicken unless, of course, the batter incorporates bacon into it. Occasionally a bucket of cluck from KFC hits the spot. Their Cole slaw is pretty good also. Personally, I am a white meat man.
I see where President Barack Obama is turning fifty on August 4, 2011. He is the first President in my lifetime that is younger than me. Fifty years ago that was never going to happen.
He is coming to Chicago to celebrate his birthday. One of the events is a dinner that has a price tag to attend of $36,000.00. Bringing a George Foreman grill or just a card will not cut it. I have never been to a birthday party I had to pay to attend. But at least I will be hanging around with a bunch of my common folk friends; you know, the common man that can afford $36,000.00 for a rubber chicken dinner and maybe a photo with the President. It all comes down to chicken. PhotoShop is much cheaper. I would not pay $36,000.00 to go to dinner one-on-one with Jesus Christ nor should anyone.
I was for it before I was against it. No, wait, what State am I in? Who am I talking to? Romney is a lying millionaire Mormon that appears to be a Democrat in American clothing. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said that the U.S. economy has deteriorated under the Obama administration at a fourth of July parade in New Hampshire on Monday, according to multiple reports.
The suggestion from Romney comes on the heels of the former Massachusetts governor making the very same suggestion last week.
"The recession is deeper because of our president," said Romney on Monday, the Los Angeles Times reports. "It's seen an anemic recovery because of our president. The people who want the status quo can vote for him, but people who want real change and jobs for Americans are going to vote for us."
The point Romney attempted to make appears to contradict itself with the notion that the economy has seen at least some degree of recovery.
When pressed by an NBC producer last week after he made the same suggestion, Romney backtracked and said, "I didn't say that things are worse." He added, "What I said was [the] economy hasn't turned around."
On the heels of making the inconsistent remarks, the Democratic National Committee released a web video targeting the comments. A good PR move to have your opponent talking about how you have not added to the problem.
Do you think fried chicken was served at the parade Romney spoke at or was there just crow?
Gaffney, North Carolina knows how to respond to a serial killer. Terrified residents canceled Fourth of July plans and holed up in their homes Friday as investigators hunted a serial killer believed to have shot four people to death. Tanya Phillips had been looking forward to a backyard barbecue at her brother's house but instead planned to stay home with her doors locked.
"I'm not taking any chances," said Phillips, 32, a mother of two who works in a day-care center. "I'll go out during the day, but not at night. I just don't feel safe." Plenty of evidence links the killings, though officials have not yet determined how the victims are connected or if they knew whoever shot them, said Cherokee County Sheriff Bill Blanton.
"Yes, we have a serial killer," he said at a news conference in this rural community 50 miles south of Charlotte, N.C. Cherokee County, home to about 54,000 people, had just six homicides in all of 2008, and half that the year before.
Residents have "their guard up and their gun handy," said state Sen. Harvey Peeler, R-Gaffney, who recalled the area being terrorized once before, in the 1960s, by a serial killer dubbed the Gaffney Strangler. Otherwise, Gaffney is most famous for a giant water tank shaped like a peach that can be seen from Interstate 85. They have their guns handy. I hope this criminal picks a well armed home to find his next victim. The cost of a trial would be saved in this declining economy.
The over hyped murder trial in Florida is over with the jury telling the prosecution to go find a murderer if they think the child was murdered. They did convict Casey Anthony of lying to police (4 counts) but I doubt much prison time will result. The jury said not guilty on murder, manslaughter and child endangerment, the more serious charges.
The mother of the deceased child, Caylee Anthony faces four years in prison. She has been in custody for two and a half years for which she will get credit for. I think the Judge will sentence her to time served and send her home. That is what should happen at sentencing on Thursday.
One party that has been nearly non-existent during this entire sordid affair has been the father of the dead child. I have not heard anything about him although I know the prosecution portrayed the Defendant as a slut. Perhaps the father is unknown.
Once the mother is released, a new media star will be played up by the press and used until her fifteen minutes is over. Casey Anthony will be the new octomom but with one dead child instead of 13 living children.
This is another case of the attorneys on both sides playing to the cameras and the press. The defense attorney was just more presentable. Cameras should not be allowed in Courtrooms in criminal cases especially but I think in all cases. People in Court are generally there because something is going on in their life that they are not happy about or proud of. The Defendants in criminal cases are not zoo animals to be gawked at for others enjoyment and free television programming all justified under the freedom of speech umbrella and freedom of the press myth. Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it or must do it. My life was not affected by the Casey Anthony situation. If I had never heard of it my life would be no different.
Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too.
DEKALB, IL 60115
Email: brucebrennanlaw@aol.com
Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming.
www.ebookmall.com (Do search by my name or book Title)
www.barnesandnoble.com (do a quick search, Title, my name)
http://www.smashwords.com/ Do a Title or author search.
Book Titles:
Holmes the Ripper
A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction
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