OCTOBER 10, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
October 10 is … National Angel Food Cake Day
Kitty Genovese was not allowed to live long enough to determine if she were an angel.
Many of you will remember Kitty Genovese; most of you will not. She was a young woman murdered in New York City in 1964. That fact, in and of itself, is nothing unusual since there were 636 murders in New York City in 1964. This murder is unusual because America lost its innocence with the murder of this 28 year old girl. She was murdered while dozens of people watched or listened. Nobody did anything to stop the crime or help the victim.
New York lost its heart 47 years ago on March 13, 1964 if you believe what you read in the newspapers. In the wee hours of March 13, 1964, the petit Catherine Genovese, 28, arrived home in Kew Gardens, Queens, from her job behind the bar at Ev's Eleventh Hour, on Jamaica Ave. in Hollis.
I was nine years old when this happened and lived nine hundred miles away but I remember it. The story was widely reported and people were disgusted with the fact no one helped this poor girl. My parents talked about it and they were mad such a thing could happen in America. It was less than twenty years since the end of WWII; is this what they suffered and fought for?
She parked her sporty red Fiat and was walking to the Austin St. flat she shared with another woman when she was accosted by a sex fiend.
At 2 that morning, Winston Moseley, 29, had slipped out of the bed he shared with his wife in Ozone Park. He cruised Queens Blvd., seeking to scratch his psychopathic itch. Fate led him to Kitty Genovese
Moseley sprinted after Genovese and twice buried a knife blade in her back. She cried out, "Oh, my God, he stabbed me! Please help me!"
Lights flicked on in a 10-story apartment building on Austin St. One citizen, Robert Mozer, raised his window and shouted, "Let that girl alone!"
Moseley ran to his car and drove off.
Some residents later said they assumed the assault was the usual closing-time caterwauling from Old Bailey, a boisterous corner bar. At least one man - the father of a teenager who saw the attack - said he phoned police.
Genovese staggered around back of her two-story building, out of sight of the witnesses. She was trying to make it home to her roommate. But she was stymied by a locked door and collapsed near the entrance, clinging to consciousness. Her neighbors apparently were unaware of her dire circumstances.
Moseley sat in his car a few blocks away and waited to see whether police arrived. When they didn't, he made the remarkable decision to return and finish the job he had started. He donned a Tyrolean hat to disguise himself, and then searched like a bird dog for his quarry. He combed the Long Island Railroad station and nooks and crannies along Austin before finding Genovese in the rear entryway.
Defensive cuts on her hands indicated that Genovese fought for her life as Moseley flailed his knife. Finally subdued, she was raped and robbed of $49. An upstairs neighbor, Karl Ross, heard the second attack and phoned police. Officers arrived quickly - but too late for Genovese. The two attacks occurred over a thirty minute time frame.
She was one of 636 homicide victims in New York in 1964 and her killing rated just a few hundred words in most of the papers.
Winston Moseley was convicted of this crime. He confessed to at least two other murders and many rapes. He talked of raping dead bodies.
He was sentenced to death by a Judge who was against the death penalty but said in this case, the criminal deserved death. The death sentence was commuted to life with the chance for parole because the Defendant should have been able to argue he was insane. His defense attorney never offered this defense.
Moseley has been denied parole 13 times. The family of the victim is strongly against any parole. While in prison, Moseley has continued to commit crimes and was involved in the Attica State Prison riot in 1969. He has earned a college degree. He writes letters to news organizations and gives interviews always blaming the victims for his actions, claiming society and his upbringing caused him to do what he did and continues to do.
He is up for parole in November 2011. Write a letter to the State of New York prison system telling them to leave this animal where he is. He earned his prison cell and deserves it.
Today, this type of story happens daily. It gets reported but only because there are hundreds of news reporting sites and agencies and they need something to report. It is not a big story just a story.
Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too or at least think about.
DEKALB, IL 60115
Email: brucebrennanlaw@aol.com
Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book is now available. The title is Public EneMe?
www.barnesandnoble.com (do a quick search, Title, my name)
www.smashwords.com Do a Title or author search.
Book Titles:
Holmes the Ripper
A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction
Public EneMe?
"All human wisdom is summed up in two works: wait and hope." - Alexandre Dumas