Friday, August 12, 2011

It's Ricky!

AUGUST 12, 2011


The news as I see it and the views as I want them.

August 12 is … Middle Child's Day

I have a middle child. Happy Middle Child’s Day Ross.

The governor of Texas, Rick Perry, is running for the Republican nomination to be the standard bearer for the GOP. The official word will come Saturday during a speech in South Carolina. I am not sure how another Texan is going to go over with the voting public right after the disaster of President George Bush. Raising money will likely be Perry’s biggest fight.

This was a long time coming. Now, I just hope voters remember this sentiment when election day rolls around. A CNN poll this week showed, for the first time in its history, that most Americans think their own representatives do not deserve reelection.

The following events happened on August 12th over the years;

1877 Thomas Edison invents the Edisonphone, a sound recording device
1879 1st National Archery Association tournament (Chicago)
1888 Bertha, wife of inventor Karl Benz, makes 1st motor tour
1898 Hawaii formally annexed to US
1898 Peace protocol ends Spanish-American War, signed
1915 "Of Human Bondage," by William Somerset Maugham, published

1982 Henry Fonda actor (On Golden Pond), dies at 77 from heart disease

This guy was pretty good. He had all the great ideas and the fortitude to see them come true. Important Hollywood film innovations -- the first use of indoor lighting on an actor, the first film to publicize its stars’ names, the sneak preview, the concept of different versions of the same movie -- were the creations of moviedom’s Cecil B. (Blount) DeMille.

DeMille, born on this day in 1881 in Ashfield, Massachusetts is, however, better known for producing the film spectacular. On that large scale were over seventy films including The Crusades, The Sign of the Cross, King of Kings, Cleopatra, The Plainsman, Reap the Wild Wind, The Buccaneer, and his Academy Award-winner, The Greatest Show on Earth [1952].

Cecil B. DeMille’s all-time greatest show was The Ten Commandments. His first production of this biblical story was in 1923. Then, in 1956, he presented a new epic version (which is shown annually on TV) with the famous cast of thousands.

It appears to be open season on the rich and powerful. They are being hunted by gold diggers, also known as women scorned who want to live off other’s riches because they gave the Defendant sex. A beautiful Brazilian soap star has the lead role in her own daytime drama, which casts George Soros, the billionaire financier of lefty causes, as a heavy who not only broke her heart, but also reneged on a promise to give her an Upper East Side apartment worth $1.9 million, The New York Post reported Thursday.

The drama will be staged in Manhattan Supreme Court, where 28-year-old Adriana Ferreyr on Wednesday filed a blockbuster $50 million suit charging, among other things, that the frisky octogenarian slapped her around while they were in bed discussing his real estate betrayal. The sultry actress, as she calls herself and the mogul, who is worth some $14.5 billion, had dated for five years before he heartlessly dumped her a year ago, the lawsuit says.

But they briefly reconciled, and while spending a romantic night together, he whispered in her ear that he had given the apartment to another woman. "While still in bed, Soros slapped Ferreyr across the face and proceeded to put his hands around her neck in an attempt to choke her," her lawsuit claims. Soros, 80, then allegedly attempted to strike her with a glass lamp, and though he narrowly missed, it smashed on the floor and she cut her foot, which required three stitches. According to a police report, she called cops, but no charges were filed.

Soros "denies throwing the lamp and totally denies trying to choke her," a friend of the billionaire's told the Post.

I am not sure “greed is good”.

Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too or at least think about.


DEKALB, IL 60115



Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (Do search by my name or book Title) (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.

Book Titles:

Holmes the Ripper

A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction

"It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It's what we do consistently." - Anthony Robbins