February 12, 2011
February 12 is … National Plum Pudding Day
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
Do you want to have a baby on November 11, 2011 for a birthday of 11-11-11? If you do, you and your significant other should start getting busy. The perfect day to conceive would be February 18, 2011 but the natural delivery is rarely right on. You can always get the delivery date close to 11-11-11 and plan a C-section.
President Mubarak resigned as President of Egypt. Ultimately he did the right thing but he did it wrongly. The price of oil went down $1.40 a barrel within an hour of the announcement of the resignation. Egypt is not a big oil producing nation but oil companies and oil speculators are always looking to raise prices. When the prices retreat, they never seem to go all the way back to where they were before the event they blame the increase on.
Happy Birthday Abraham Lincoln, he would be 202 today; the good, they die young. Like Abraham, Martin and John. Do you remember the 1968 song by Dion about four American men who advocated for social change and were assassinated? Abraham, Martin and John" is a 1968 song written by Dick Holler and first recorded by Dion. It is a tribute to the memories of icons of social change, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy. It was written as a response to the assassinations of King and the younger Kennedy in April and June 1968.
Each of the first three verses features one of the men named in the song's title, for example:
Has anybody here, seen my old friend Abraham -
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He freed a lot of people, but it seems the good, they die young
But I just looked around and he's gone.
After a bridge, the fourth and final verse mentions Robert "Bobby" Kennedy, and ends with a description of him walking over a hill with the other three men.
Look the song up on Pandora or Grooveshark and give it a listen. The good ones die young but never get old.
His life was what America was all about. An average boy, born on this day in 1809 on a farm in a log cabin in Hodgenville, Kentucky, was able to become the 16th President of the United States.
He studied hard, by the light of a fireplace, to become first, a lawyer, then a statesman. Abraham Lincoln, one of the most revered U.S. Presidents, served his country during one of the most turbulent times in its history. The term of his presidency (1861-1865) encompassed the Civil War between the States. His Emancipation Proclamation made on January 1, 1863 to free slaves; and his Gettysburg Address given on November 19, 1863 at the site of one of the most famous battlegrounds of the Civil War are still held high as classic statements of democratic beliefs and goals.
President Lincoln was also responsible for one of the most popular holidays in the U.S.: Thanksgiving Day. He proclaimed that the last Thursday of November shall be observed as such. And so it was, and still is.
Abraham Lincoln lived during tragic times and died a tragic death. While watching a performance of Our American Cousin at Washington’s Ford Theatre, he was shot by John Wilkes Booth and died a few hours later. Lincoln was the first U.S. President to be assassinated.
‘Honest Abe’ earned his nickname when he was practicing law in Illinois. It was his unfailing honesty that made him known throughout the state. When convinced that his client was right, he could argue the case strongly. If not convinced, he was hardly powerful in his client’s defense. Lincoln would persuade clients to settle out of court even though that meant he would receive a lesser fee. And, when this was not possible, he could argue a case equally as well before a judge or before an uneducated jury. To Abe Lincoln, being a lawyer or President meant seeking the truth for client or for country. No brag, just fact.
The FBI has a very good web site. If you want to learn about crime in America, you can find it there. The information about gun crime, especially handgun crime, you will find on the site is not talked about by the liberals who want my guns. They only make noise when a horrific crime occurs. By definition, horrific events, things out of the ordinary, are news. These types of events astound everyone. I remember an old turkey hunting friend of mine from Mt. Ida, Arkansas named George Washington Stanley, (GW Stanley) telling me over thirty years ago that the only gun control we needed was the intelligence and knowledge to control the gun in your hand. To him, that was gun control. Visit the FBI site;
Go for it Arizona. Where do I send my check? Accusing the Obama administration of failing to enforce immigration laws, and rightly so, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said Thursday the state of Arizona will counter-sue the federal government for the right to police its border with Mexico. The claim will be filed as part of the Justice Department's challenge to Arizona's controversial immigration law, according to The New York Times and other news outlets. SB 1070, signed by Brewer last year, requires local police to check for the immigration status of anyone stopped under "reasonable suspicion" of unlawful status. The law was halted in court after the administration argued that only federal authorities have the right to enforce immigration laws.
At a news conference in Phoenix, Brewer called border security "by far the No. 1 issue" in Arizona. "Illegal immigration is costing us a billion dollars, a billion dollars a year to maintain the level we're at, and the federal government sits by and does nothing," The telling part of that statement is it costs one billion dollars to accomplish very little. The level they are at is unacceptable but the Obama administration would rather spend United States’ citizens tax dollars to benefit illegal non-citizens than do the tough job that obviously needs doing. Brewer says no taxpayer money will be spent on the court fight, CNN reported. Instead, Arizona will raise funds from private donors.
"Arizona did not ask for this fight with the federal government," Brewer said. "But now that we are in it, Arizona will not rest until our border is secured and federal immigration laws are enforced." The Justice Department officials did not immediately comment but it isn’t hard to figure out what they will say. It is time for the Federal Government to lead or get the hell out of the way so somebody can.
At a news conference in Phoenix, Brewer called border security "by far the No. 1 issue" in Arizona. "Illegal immigration is costing us a billion dollars, a billion dollars a year to maintain the level we're at, and the federal government sits by and does nothing," The telling part of that statement is it costs one billion dollars to accomplish very little. The level they are at is unacceptable but the Obama administration would rather spend United States’ citizens tax dollars to benefit illegal non-citizens than do the tough job that obviously needs doing. Brewer says no taxpayer money will be spent on the court fight, CNN reported. Instead, Arizona will raise funds from private donors.
"Arizona did not ask for this fight with the federal government," Brewer said. "But now that we are in it, Arizona will not rest until our border is secured and federal immigration laws are enforced." The Justice Department officials did not immediately comment but it isn’t hard to figure out what they will say. It is time for the Federal Government to lead or get the hell out of the way so somebody can.
As mentioned above, Abraham Lincoln was born on this date in 1809. Also born on the same day was Charles Darwin. Now those two guys would make great guests at any dinner party.
DEKALB, IL 60115
Email: brucebrennanlaw@aol.com
Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase an interesting and inexpensive read. My second book should be available by February 15, 2011. More information will be forthcoming.
http://www.barnesandnoble.com/ (do a quick search, Title, my name)
http://www.smashwords.com/ Do a Title or author search, Check this site out.
https://dtp.amazon.com/mn/dashboard NEW SOURCE FOR BOOK
Check out the site below. Paybox is a new site, competing with PayPal, etc. Sign up is free. It seems good for small businesses or ebay users.
“No one can feel as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.”