Friday, October 7, 2011

Happy birthdy, Hannah!

OCTOBER 7, 2011


The news as I see it and the views as I want them.

October 7 is … National Frappe Day

Have a milkshake on me. Happy birthday Hannah!

I will go see this whenever it comes out if I am still alive. Following in the grand tradition of 1960s-shows-turned-movies, Fox 2000 has just acquired the feature rights to 'Mr. Ed.' The television program with the talking horse ran for six seasons from 1961 to 1966. According to Variety, Fox 2000 president Elizabeth Gabler is a passionate equestrian and was a driving force behind the project; the studio is currently in search of a writer for the film.

If I can come up with a good storyline, I will send in a script. One of my sons has written movie scripts in the past. I would collaborate with him for a knockout talking horse opera. Who should play “Willlbuurrrr”? Jack Nicholson could handle it as could Owen Wilson. Bill Murray might just be a hoot with Dan Akroyd as the voice of Mister Ed. Give it some thought.

For some reason, Hank, Jr. is listened to. He is a singer. He is not in politics and does not speak for any organized group of people. I find the fact ESPN painted itself into a corner with this non-story is the only reason this story has legs. It is another example of the press being the story not reporting the story.

To keep his gig, however, Bocephus blinked first. Hank Williams Jr. is apologizing for using an analogy to Adolf Hitler in discussing President Barack Obama that prompted ESPN to pull his classic intro song to "Monday Night Football."

Williams said in a statement posted on Facebook and his website Tuesday that his passion for politics and sports "got the best or worst of me."

Hank Williams Jr. apologizes for offensive comments made about President Barack Obama.

In an interview Monday on Fox News' "Fox & Friends," Williams, unprompted, said of Obama's day on the links with House Speaker John Boehner: "It'd be like Hitler playing golf with (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu."

Asked to clarify, Williams said, "They're the enemy," adding that by "they" he meant Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

Williams backed off Tuesday.

"The thought of the leaders of both parties jukin and high fiven on a golf course, while so many families are struggling to get by simply made me boil over and make a dumb statement," Williams wrote. "I am very sorry if it offended anyone."

ESPN had no further comment. It is not known if the intro, synonymous with "Monday Night Football" since 1989, would be used again.

At least the story is not about Chris Christie or his weight.

In other Republican Presidential campaign news, Michelle Bachmann is now running for the Vice-President spot. Her recent plunge out of the top contenders leaves her no realistic chance at the top spot. I do not think any intelligent person ever gave her a real chance anyway.

She continues to slam Governor Rick Perry while not attacking former Governor Mitt Romney. Rick Perry brags that Texas has created more than 1 million jobs during his 10 years as governor, trumpeting the state's hands-off regulatory climate and business-first policies. But another part of his jobs agenda, the part that promotes investing state money in private companies, is drawing new criticism as he runs for the Republican presidential nomination.

Rival Michele Bachmann recently likened one of the deals subsidized by the Texas Enterprise Fund to Solyndra, the California energy company that went bust after receiving a $528 million loan from the federal stimulus program. Perry's state fund "gave $35 million and a grant to a private company and there were donors in that private company," Bachmann said, referring to Perry campaign contributors. Though the company promised to create jobs, "they didn't create any," she said.

The criticism lays bare a larger battle among conservatives about whether the government should let the free market reign or use public money to boost jobs. More specifically, the deal Bachmann attacked illustrates the murky complexities of private ventures that not only involve risk but also donations to political campaigns. Perry spokesman Mark Miner declined to discuss the deal in question, which was with a precursor to Lexicon Pharmaceuticals. What matters, he said, is that overall "the fund has created more than 59,000 jobs and capital investment of more than $14.7 billion." Bachmann, he said, was "just throwing garbage at the wall to see if it will stick."

From the first grant announcement in June 2003 through August 2011, the fund had distributed more than $439.5 million to 89 firms – from giants like 3M Co. and Home Depot Inc. to a Houston company called Alloy Polymers, which promised to create 52 jobs. The firms have indeed pledged to create a total of 59,000 jobs, but it's unclear how many have so far met their targets. The state says figures for this year are unavailable. Lucy Nashed, a spokeswoman for the governor's office, said 30,749 jobs had been created by the end of 2010.

Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too or at least think about.


DEKALB, IL 60115



Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book is now available. The title is Public EneMe? (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.

Book Titles:

Holmes the Ripper

A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction

Public EneMe?

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." - Albert Einstein