JUNE 20, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
June 20 is … Ice Cream Soda Day
Once again the sportscasters for the PGA have anointed a young golfer as the heir apparent to Tiger Woods. This seems to happen every time someone under thirty wins a golf tournament. Usually, the person so anointed , sinks back into obscurity or at least into the middle of the pack. The alpha dog has never marked his ground.
This year’s United States Open at Congressional Country Club near Washington DC was won by a 22 year-old guy from Northern Ireland, Rory Mcllroy. He won in record fashion on a course the PGA set up poorly. The Open is usually won with a score of between +2 and -2. This year the winner was -16. More golfers were under par for the tournament than ever before.
Congratulations Rory Mcllroy for your U. S. Open win but I am not anointing you the next great golfer in the world just yet. Many men win Majors and sink into oblivion. I will have an Ice Cream Soda in your honor though.
John Walsh has fought the good fight ever since his six year-old son, Adam was abducted and murdered in 1981. He is about to make a career move. John Walsh has said goodbye and thanked viewers of "America's Most Wanted" for helping bring almost 1,200 fugitives to justice over more than two decades.
Walsh told his audience in brief farewell remarks: "You've saved lives and gotten people justice." The series aired its last weekly episode on Fox on Saturday. Fox has cited high production costs for pulling the plug on the series, which premiered in 1988. But Walsh vows he'll return to television. He said earlier this week he has heard from other networks, including Fox News Channel. A decision on a new TV home could be announced within two weeks, he said.
Walsh, 65, launched his crime-busting crusade in the aftermath of the abduction and murder of his 6-year-old son Adam in 1981.
Since cost is an issue and reality shows are all the rage because they are cheap to produce, turn America’s Most Wanted into a reality show. Offer a reward for a murderer dead or alive, get five teams of contestants and film their actions. The ratings would be through the roof.
Why are we showing our stupidity to the world by even acknowledging Pakistan existence. It would not exist if we cutoff its allowance. In return, the Pakistan government historically, currently and constantly extends its collective middle finger to America. We just do not get it and Pakistan will continue its behavior until it is punished or obliterated.
U.S. officials say Pakistan has apparently tipped off militants at two more bomb-building factories in its tribal areas, giving the terror suspects time to flee, after U.S. intelligence shared the locations with the Pakistani government. Those officials believe Pakistan's insistence on seeking local tribal elders' permission before raiding the areas may have most directly contributed to the militants' flight, though they also suspect low-level security officials may have tipped the militants off.
U.S. officials have pushed for Pakistan to keep the location of such targets secret prior to the operations, but the Pakistanis say their troops cannot enter the lawless regions without giving the locals notice. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss matters of intelligence. The latest incidents bring to a total of four bomb-making sites that the U.S. has shared with Pakistan only to have the terrorist suspects flee before the Pakistani military arrived much later. The report does not bode well for attempts by both sides to mend relations and rebuild trust after the U.S. raid on May 2 that killed Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, a Pakistani army town only 35 miles from the capital Islamabad.
The Pakistanis believe the Americans violated their sovereignty by keeping them in the dark about the raid. American officials believe bin Laden's location proves some elements of the Pakistani army or intelligence service helped hide the al-Qaida mastermind, bolstering their argument that the raid had to be done solo. The U.S. officials explained Saturday how they first offered the location of the third, and then the fourth site, in order to give Pakistan another chance to prove it could be trusted to go after the militants.
In the tradition of `trust but verify,' the Americans carefully monitored the area with satellite and unmanned drones, to see what would happen, after sharing the information a third and fourth time, the officials said. In each case, they watched the militants depart within 24 hours, taking any weapons or bomb-making materials with them, just as militants had done the first two times. Only then, did they watch the Pakistani military visit each site, when the terror suspects and their wares were long gone, the officials said.
This is not a Democrat problem; this is not a Republican problem; this is not a human rights issue. We could continue to give aid to this country and the leaders of the day would get rich. It never benefits the people but we do not learn. This country and entire region of the world has its way of governing; we will never change that and should stop trying to change it. We view this like we view many problems, such as public education, just throw money at it it will get fixed. We never fix anything we just create a more expensive problem.
On June 20th through the recent years;
1986 Drs at Bethesda Naval remove 2 small benign polyps from Reagan's colon.
1987 Johnny Carson marries 4th wife Alexis Mass.
1988 NYC WABC-AM becomes the flagship radio station of the NJ Devils.
1988 Price is Right model Janice Pennington is knocked out by a TV camera.
1990 40,000-50,000 die in a (7.6) earthquake in Iran.
1990 Nelson Mandela lands in NYC to begin a tour of the US.
1987 Johnny Carson marries 4th wife Alexis Mass.
1988 NYC WABC-AM becomes the flagship radio station of the NJ Devils.
1988 Price is Right model Janice Pennington is knocked out by a TV camera.
1990 40,000-50,000 die in a (7.6) earthquake in Iran.
1990 Nelson Mandela lands in NYC to begin a tour of the US.
Two items I missed from yesterday, which was the anniversary of them;
1846 - The first organized baseball game was played on this day. The location was Hoboken, New Jersey. The New York Baseball Club defeated the Knickerbocker Club, 23 to 1. This first game was only four innings long. The New York Nine, as the winners were known, must have really studied the rules to have twenty-three runs batted in. The rules had been formulated just one year earlier by a Mr. Alexander Cartwright, Jr.
1865 - It took more than two-and-a-half years after Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation went into effect for Union troops to land in Galveston, Texas. They carried the message of freedom, the resolution of the Civil War between the States, to the many slaves throughout Texas. Union Major General Gordon Granger read General Order #3: “The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and hired labor. The freedmen are advised to remain quietly at their present homes and work for wages. They are informed that they will not be allowed to collect at military posts and that they will not be supported in idleness either there or elsewhere.” The slaves rejoiced with cheers and tears as they learned of their liberation, calling their “day of deliverance,” Juneteenth, a day still celebrated by black families and communities throughout the world.
Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too.
DEKALB, IL 60115
Email: brucebrennanlaw@aol.com
Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming.
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Book Titles:
Holmes the Ripper
A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction
"A pessimist is a man who looks both ways when he's crossing a one-way street." - Laurence J. Peter