Thursday, June 2, 2011

Congressman Weiner, the name says it all.

JUNE 2, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
June 2 is … National Rocky Road Day. The ice cream or just a tough patch?

It appears the mayor of Chicago has devised a method of relieving congestion on the highways leading into Chicago. He has decided that anytime the driving time on a highway is longer than 50 minutes, the highway will be closed because it is too busy.

The United States Congress has been playing games with our national budget for years. Congress did not pass a budget in 2010. Congress has delayed passing a budget in 2011, constantly approving ‘continuing resolutions’ and temporary spending plans. Now they are playing with the debt ceiling increase. The House voted on Tuesday not to raise the debt ceiling.

This is not a final vote and everybody and their cousin knows the debt increase will be approved. The Republicans will stamp their feet, demand concessions and spending cuts, agree to a non-mandated set of spending cuts and raise the debt ceiling. Nothing of any significance will be accomplished but both sides will tell us how they won and saved our economy, our nation and our future. The only way to save this nation is to get rid of everyone in Congress and the Executive branch and start over.

The City of Chicago, the third largest city in the world’s richest nation, has cancelled the City’s Fourth of July fireworks display. It is blaming cost. The City did not cancel the gay pride parade, the St Patrick’s Day Parade, the Puerto Rican parade, the Bud Billiken Parade or the Columbus Day Parade. All of those celebrations are geared for gays, Catholics, Irish, Puerto Ricans, African-Americans and Italians. Why screw patriotic Americans? The City of Chicago panders to minorities and special interest groups but will not give the average American his day on our nation’s birthday. It likely will not be a problem, however, since if it is hot on July 4th, the City will be closed anyway.

President Obama appears unaware there is a recession going on for everyone but federal government employees.  Limousines, the very symbol of wealth and excess, are usually the domain of corporate executives and the rich. But the number of limos owned by Uncle Sam increased by 73 percent during the first two years of the Obama administration, according to an analysis of records by iWatch News.

Most of the increase was recorded in Hillary Clinton's State Department. Obama administration officials said most of the increase reflects an enhanced effort to protect diplomats and other government officials in a dangerous world. But a watchdog group says the abundance of limos sends the wrong message in the midst of a budget crisis. The increase in limos comes to light on the heels of an executive order from President Obama last week that charges agencies to increase the fuel efficiency of their fleets.

According to General Services Agency Administration data, the number of limousines in the federal fleet increased from 238 in fiscal 2008, the last year of the George W. Bush administration, to 412 in 2010. Much of the 73 percent increase--111 of the 174 additional limos--took place in fiscal 2009, more than eight months of which corresponded with Obama's first year in office.  However, some of those purchases could reflect requests made by the Bush administration during an appropriation process that would have begun in the spring of 2008. 

We have an Agency that is funded to watch this stuff but it now claims they cannot accurately count the limos the government owns. The GSA said its limousine numbers are not reliable, even though the federal fleet numbers are officially recorded every year.  In a statement, GSA spokeswoman Sara Merriam said, "The categories in the Fleet Report are overly broad, and the term 'limousine' is not defined," adding that "vehicles represented as limousines can range from protective duty vehicles to sedans." Asked whether the GSA actually knows how many limos it has in its fleet, Merriam responded that GSA "cannot say that its report accurately reflects the number of limousines."  Why does this Agency exist? We are not talking bullets or G.I. socks; we are talking about just over 400 cars. Somebody could count the wheels and divide by four. The answer is the number of limos the government owns.

So a Congressman’s Twitter account sent a picture of a man’s lower body, in underwear, with a bulge where most penis’ are. Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY), too bad for that name, says he did not send the photo to a 21 year-old female college student in Seattle but he would not say the photo is not of him. What a bunch of clowns in Congressman. These people are too stupid to learn from the last idiot that did something similar. Our country is being run by pornagraphic, ignorant morons too stupid to delete the send button on all their electronic devices.

God help us. The people in Washington are not going to.

Just a couple of thoughts I had.
DEKALB, IL 60115

Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (Do search by my name or book Title) (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.

Book Titles:

Holmes the Ripper

A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction

"My own view about bringing up kids is praise, praise and praise again."- Sir Richard Branson