NOVEMBER 26, 2010
When will be the first time today you or someone your around says ,”Man, it seems like Sunday.” You will also hear some type of variation of this on Saturday and the real Sunday. The nice long weekend makes the confusion worthwhile,
The Detroit Lions stayed with the Patriots for a little over a half. Then reality reared its ugly head. The Saints vs. Cowboy’s game got exciting after the first quarter. The Saints managed to pull a win from the loosening grip of a tiring Cowboy’s team. The third game, which was added to the Thanksgiving menu several years ago out of greed, was a blowout, not worth watching and I’ll bet it wasn’t watched by many west of Indianapolis. The NFL is getting closer and closer to killing the goose laying the golden egg. Last night’s game surely was a Thanksgiving goose dead on arrival. Wait until the league expands to 18 games plus playoffs; may be as early as next season. We will all have to watch an inferior product, diluted by injuries and over expansion with teams holding back their better players until the second season. The only winner will be College Football, not the fans of professional football.
A fifteen year-old girl in England was arrested for setting an English version of the Koran on fire and posting the event on Facebook. The charge was some type of hate crime, inciting religious hatred. The law has been on the books since 2006 but no one has ever been convicted of violating the law. When the religious zealots from the Muslim faith bomb a subway, hotel, plane, mosque, hotel, restaurant, nightclub, office building, car, bus or whatever target they pick with regularity, do you think they concern themselves with the possibility a Koran might be burned along with the dead humans? Could the English government be prosecuted for bombing runs it makes in Iraq or Afghanistan knowing full well Korans will be burned in the bombings? A similar legal tactic was threatened against the Florida Pastor who was going to burn the Korans in September. A local fire chief said he would arrest the pastor for starting a bonfire without a permit. Why do the law-abiding citizens of the world and especially those in this country have to adjust their behavior to tolerate a religion that should not be allowed to exist in its most extreme form? We should applaud this fifteen year-old, not arrest her. It is time to teach the Muslims tolerance not the Christians.
TomDeLay, have a good time in prison, if you ever go to one. He faces a potential life sentence for his political crimes in Texas. I am a strong proponent for the concept politicians who commit crimes as part of their political existence should be dealt with harshly. This guy has been free for five years, he has been a game show contestant on Dancing With The Stars, must have been a slow year for Stars, and he has never seen the inside of a jail cell. A sentencing hearing is set to begin on Dec. 20, 2010. The Judge has a great deal of leeway on the sentencing options. One option available is probation. If I were a betting man, and I am, I would bet on probation. Boy, that’s teaching the politicians a lesson and how to get on a game show.
Notable births on this date:
1607 John Harvard England, clergyman/scholar, major benefactor to Harvard University (library & half his estate)
1912 Eric Sevareid Velva ND, newscaster (CBS Weekend News)
1922 Charles M Schulz cartoonist (Peanuts)
1924 George Segal NY, sculptor lifelike mixed-media figures (Bus Driver)
1924 George Segal NY, sculptor lifelike mixed-media figures (Bus Driver)
1933 Robert Goulet Lawrence MA, singer/actor (Camelot, Naked Gun 2«)
1938 Rich Little Ottawa Canada, impressionist/actor (Love on a Rooftop)
1938 Tina Turner [Anna Mae Bullock], Brownsville TX, singer (Proud Mary)
1938 Tina Turner [Anna Mae Bullock], Brownsville TX, singer (Proud Mary)
1945 John McVie rocker (Fleetwood Mac-Rumours, Tusk)
1981 Jamie Fiske liver transplant recipient
Notable deaths on this date:
1883 Sojourner Truth abolitionist, women's rights advocate, dies
1939 James Naismith Basketball inventor, dies
1970 B O Davis Sr 1st black general, dies at 93 in Chicago
1973 Albert DiSalvo Boston strangler, stabbed
1939 James Naismith Basketball inventor, dies
1970 B O Davis Sr 1st black general, dies at 93 in Chicago
1973 Albert DiSalvo Boston strangler, stabbed
1986 Scatman Crothers actor (Louie-Chico & the Man), dies at 76
Notable events on this date:
1716 1st lion exhibited in America (Boston)
1789 1st national thanksgiving
1865 Alice in Wonderland published
1896 A.A. Stagg of U Chicago creates the football huddle
1940 Nazis force 500,000 Warsaw Jews to live in walled ghetto
1949 India adopts a constitution as a British Commonwealth Republic
1950 China enters Korean conflict, sends troops across Yalu River. Aren’t we still dealing with this mess?
1962 1st recording session under the name "Beatles"
1950 China enters Korean conflict, sends troops across Yalu River. Aren’t we still dealing with this mess?
1962 1st recording session under the name "Beatles"
1973 Nixon's personal sec, Rose Mary Woods, tells a federal court she accidentally caused part of 18-minute gap in a key Watergate tape. Can’t you go to hell for lying, just like stealing?
1975 Fed jury found Lynette Fromme guilty of attempted assassination
1982 Howard Cossell calls his last fight after being disgusted by the Larry Holmes-Tex Cobb mismatch
1983 Heathrow Airport, robbed of 6,800 gold bars worth $38.7 million
1983 Heathrow Airport, robbed of 6,800 gold bars worth $38.7 million
1991 Condoms are handed out to thousands of NY High School students
BOY that really worked. Should have just handed out a porn movie with instructions.
BOY that really worked. Should have just handed out a porn movie with instructions.
Don’t forget to buy my book. They are going fast. Makes a great Christmas gift,
DEKALB, IL 60115
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