Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why do naked people read?

These thoughts are mine. They may be shared by many but I am speaking for myself. If you are offended, it was not intentional. If you continually get offended by my positions and opinions, you should change, I doubt I will.

OCTOBER 12, 2010

It was nice to see the Blackhawks finally win a regular season game. It was a good game against a feisty Buffalo Sabres team. Final Hawks 4 – Sabres 3.

The DeKalb City council is going to borrow money to finance projects the public doesn’t want. That apparently isn’t a concern for our leaders. After all, they know what is better for us than we do. The argument of borrowing money at no additional cost is selling fluff. Before this debacle is over, years from now, when the current powers are long gone, the term will be extended, taxes will be raised, expenditures will be raised, because now we have a new police station to furnish and staff. The argument will be, “It is cheaper to purchase new equipment than move the old equipment. We get state-of-the-art technology and we don’t have the expense of moving the old equipment.”

Too bad the book missed Obama, at least then we would know the title of the book. Why did they let naked people into the speech anyway? A book thrown at President Obama narrowly missed him on Sunday. As of this moment, the book thrower is unknown. The name of the book is also not known. You can bet the Secret Service folks are getting an earful today, at least they should be.

After the book throwing, that the President did not seem to notice, a naked man was seen being led away in handcuffs. It was obvious he had no weapons on him. The pen is mightier than the sword, someone once wrote. The writer was probably not the naked guy.

The Willis Tower, formerly the Sears Tower, is the largest generator of real estate property taxes in Cook County. I will go out on a limb and say it is the largest generator of real estate property taxes in Illinois, although I have not researched that fact. The Willis Tower pays twenty million dollars a year in real estate taxes. How would you like that divided by 12 and be made a part of your monthly mortgage payment?

Favre looked like a politician or public figure caught sexting Monday night. His mind was not into the game. His career is about over. Brett, think Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Muhammad Ali, Ken Griffey, Jr. or Ron Santo. It is over. Don’t make us remember you as a struggling old man. Call John Elway for some advice on this. The wife probably isn’t saying much right now anyway.

Just three weeks until the election. I hope everyone votes, even if it isn’t for the candidates I am voting for. At least stand up and exercise your franchise.

Remember two weeks ago when the news was 24/7 about an eminent terrorist attack. What happened? I don’t think any attack was cancelled because NBC talked about it. Once again our intelligence isn’t and the government can manipulate the press. Every time a President is having a rough patch or Congress wants off the front page, a new troubling story is leaked to the press, who run with it. Wag the dog.