Friday, May 13, 2011

Sorry its late; blog site was down.

May 13, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
May 13 is … Leprechaun Day

Yesterday and today should be on the same day and it should be March 17th.

Congratulations Chicago Bulls and all their fans. They beat Atlanta Thursday night 93-73 to win the series in six games. They now face the Miami Heat with the winner playing for the NBA Championship.

At what age should women quit wearing certain items of clothing? Of course many should quit wearing these clothes much earlier. I am not sure why they can’t see it, especially at Walmart. According to the British Daily Mail Reporter and Mail Online they are.


  • Bikini, 47
  • Miniskirt, 35
  • Boob Tube, 33
  • Stilettos, 51
  • Belly button piercing, 35
  • Knee high boots, 47
  • Trainers, 44
  • Leather trousers, 34
  • Leggings, 45
  • Ugg boots, 45
  • Swimsuit, 61
  • Tight vest, 44
  • See-through chiffon blouse, 40
  • Long hair, 53
  • Ponytail, 51
The difference between a bikini and a two-piece bathing suit is that the bikini shows the belly button.
From Reuters News, the son of bin Laden is upset with the United States. Oh My God, not his, My God; A statement purporting to come from a son of Osama bin Laden denounced the al Qaeda leader's killing as "criminal" and said his burial at sea had humiliated the family, an online monitoring service said.
The statement, attributed to Omar bin Laden, bin Laden's fourth eldest son, said the al Qaeda chief's children reserved the right to take legal action in the United States and internationally to "determine the true fate of our vanished father," the SITE Intelligence Group said.
There was no independent confirmation of the authenticity of the letter, published on the website of Islamist ideologue Abu Walid al-Masri, although several specialists on militant propaganda said the text appeared genuine. Omar bin Laden, who has been based in the Gulf in recent years, did not immediately respond to emailed and telephoned requests for comment. The letter said, in part: "We hold the American President (Barack) Obama legally responsible to clarify the fate of our father, Osama bin Laden, for it is unacceptable, humanely and religiously, to dispose of a person with such importance and status among his people, by throwing his body into the sea in that way, which demeans and humiliates his family and his supporters and which challenges religious provisions and feelings of hundreds of millions of Muslims." The letter said the U.S. administration had offered no proof to back up its account of the mission. It alleged the goal of the raid had been to kill and not arrest, adding that afterwards the American commandos had "rushed to dispose of the body."
Some Muslims have misgivings about how U.S. forces killed bin Laden in a raid in Pakistan on May 2 and disposed of his body in the ocean. Questions have multiplied since the White House said the al Qaeda leader was unarmed when U.S. helicopter-borne commandos raided the villa where he was hiding in the city of Abbottabad. Bin Laden's swift burial at sea, in what many Muslims say was a violation of Islamic custom, has also stirred anger.

Bring it on body. We have some very liberal Judges in this country and some ignorant ones but none are stupid or liberal enough to give this type of lawsuit a forum. A Judge could technically jail any attorney for bringing such a frivolous action as well as the Plaintiff. A Judge could order the Plaintiff to appear in Court and if he doesn’t, the case would be dismissed and the Plaintiff and his attorney’s fined and or jailed. If the camel dung did appear in Court, I am sure we could find some criminal actions in his past to arrest him on or a patriotic American could just off him. What jury would convict that person?

Why do we have the fox guarding the hen house? This has gone on for decades. It is ignorant. When the legislature does find a problem, they refer it to the Justice Department. Why investigate twice. Once should be enough. When he was Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich was investigated and forced from office. Now he is running for President. What is wrong with this picture?

Senate Ethics Committee leaders prepared on Thursday to disclose information about the investigation of former Sen. John Ensign, whose conduct came under scrutiny after an affair with the wife of a former top Ensign aide. According to a report released by the panel, Ensign "made false or misleading statements to the Federal Election Commission," violated campaign finance laws and obstructed the probe. The Senate Ethics Committee has referred the case to the Justice Department and the Federal Election Commission. Ensign resigned May 3 rather than face a continuing Senate inquiry that could have included public hearings about his affair with Cynthia Hampton, a former campaign aide. She's the wife of Douglas Hampton, who was Ensign's co-chief of staff.

This guy was screwing his constituents and his chief-of-staff’s wife. You have to assume his mother, wife and kids are proud of him.
Just a couple of thoughts I had.
DEKALB, IL 60115

Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (Do search by my name or book Title) (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.

Book Titles:

Holmes the Ripper

A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction

"Nothing is exactly as it seems, nor is it otherwise." - Alan Watts