Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dead beat Congressman, dead French terrorists and the Supremes

These thoughts are mine. They may be shared by many but I am speaking for myself. If you are offended, it was not intentional. If you continually get offended by my positions and opinions, you should change, I doubt I will.
OCTOBER 5, 2010

Man, it is already October 5th. It is less than three months to Christmas and the new year of 2011. It is time to really buckle down if we are going to accomplish the goals we set in January, if you haven’t already. I still have some work to do.

I received the following Email from a space geek friend of mine. The web address is pretty neat. Check it out

This week is Space Week.  Check out the link below. Many good sites & facts for the
 kids as well.  (Space is ~ 455 degrees F below zero.  There are 3 people in space right now, all aboard the ISS.  Voyager 1, launched in 1977, is 12 Billion kilometers from our sun, & moving several billion Kilometers away/year). 
You have to wonder how the ejght dead French guys we killed with a bomb from a drone aircraft like all that ‘chatter’ the press has been reporting about. I think we should be this proactive much more often. We can always say we are sorry if we are wrong. I would rather be wrong and bury a few of the bad guys than wait until we are burying some of the good guys. Might makes right, International Law 101, there endeth the lesson.
Rep. John Conyers, (D) Michigan lost his driver’s license on June 30, 2010 and it was not reinstated until July 26, 2010. He lost his driving privileges in the state famous for making cars because the check he used to pay for his new license bounced. I do not know what a new license costs in Michigan but he apparently had very little play in his checking account balance and did not have overdraft protection.

His spokesman, wonder who is paying for his spokesman, said a check was inadvertently issued from a closed account. Why do you keep checks around from a closed account? Wonder who closed the account, the Congressman or the Bank? May be he should replace the spokesman with a bookkeeper.

This guy chairs the Judiciary Committee. He cannot balance a checkbook but he helps determine who are Federal Judges are. The Peter Principle at work again. The Peter Principle is the principle that "in a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to their level of incompetence".
Judge Elena Kagan has recused herself from 25 cases the Supreme Court has agreed to hear this term. The Court only agreed to hear 51 cases meaning just short of one-half of the cases could be heard with no determination since the vote could go 4 to 4. This sure seems like a waste of valuable resources and man-hours. Supremes are paid $213,900.00 per year with the Chief Judge making an additional $9,500.00 per year. Not a bad gig especially when you factor in it is a lifetime appointment.
There are no Protestants on the Court this year; six are Catholic and three are Jewish. Three or one third are woman. This is close to the same per centage of non Supreme Court federal judges who are women.
Gold to Go, gold dispensing vending machines, already in use in other countries, are coming to America. They are to be installed somewhere in Florida and Las Vegas. They dispense onces of gold and smaller amounts. The price for the gold is updated every ten seconds. Today, the one once Krugerrand is vending for $1,315.00. You can go to www.Gold to go.com to check it out.
Arlington National Cemetery normally conducts burials Monday through Friday. Flags at the cemetery are flown at half-staff beginning one half hour before the first funeral until one half hour after the last funeral. The cemetery averages around 26 funerals, internments and inurnments each day. Arlington is not the largest of our 130 National Cemeteries. That distinction belongs to Calverton National Cemetery on Long Island in New York.
On a personal note, Happy Belated Birthday, Andrew. Have fun in Rome.