Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Good bye Ozzie

SEPTEMBER 27, 2011


The news as I see it and the views as I want them.

September 27 is … Crush A Can Day

Go ahead, knock it off. Crush this can on your forehead. Do not use the crusher machine people used to buy, use for a day and then put it in the garage never to be seen again. They were usually put next to the exercise bike or Bo-flex or the pocket fisherman, etc.

Ozzie Guillen, thanks for your efforts as a player. Thank you for your efforts as a manager. You were entertaining and generally genuine. The last couple of years you have hit a rough spot. You are not bigger than the game. Your antics have run their course. You let your ego get in the way this year by constantly playing Alex Rios, Adam Dunne and Gordon Beckham just to show your General Manager who was the boss.

You threw this year away because of your attitude. You screwed the fans because of your ego. Good luck with the Marlins. Do not open that bottle. The lightning can never be recaught.

Thank you for leaving before you became a full blown Mike Ditka.

The Bears did not lose Monday but only because they did not play. Did you hear that? Johnny Knox just dropped another pass.

First NetFlix apologized for messing with its customers but did not change the huge price increase. Now General Motors says it is sorry for any confusion around its new policy surrounding OnStar customers but it is not changing anything. Internet cookies, FourSquare, Facebook check-ins, street cameras everywhere and in-car global positioning systems. There are so many ways to track the movements of consumers, some for which they even volunteer. But people may have their limits.

The Internet and media are abuzz with complaints over the redesign of Facebook, which has been done to make it easier for the company to sell the online behavior of members to third parties. But the latest marketer to set off those who are against all this constant monitoring and tracking is General Motors and its satellite-based OnStar system that does everything from unlock your car when the keys are locked inside, to diagnose a mechanical problem, give you directions from a live person or notify first responders if your car goes off the road.

Last week, OnStar made a change to its "Terms and Conditions," that stipulates it can not only track data such as mileage, speed and location of vehicles, but that it can continue to do so even after the vehicle owner has stopped subscribing to the service, and can sell the data to third parties.

GM, which owns and operates OnStar, can do this because most of its cars are fitted with OnStar hardware. GM gives new buyers a trial period to subscribe to OnStar service packages. Then, they hope owners will re-up with subscriptions that start at $18.95 per month. OnStar also offers OnStar retrofit kits for non GM vehicles.

Senator Charles "Chuck" Schumer (D-NY) who often takes up consumer issues, is calling for a full investigation into OnStar's plan. "By tracking drivers even after they've canceled their service, OnStar is attempting one of the most brazen invasions of privacy in recent memory," said Schumer. "I urge OnStar to abandon this policy and for (the Federal Trade Commission) to immediately launch a full investigation to determine whether the company's actions constitute an unfair trade practice."

So far, GM executives are standing pat, saying over the weekend that it apologized for confusion over the move, but that they are planning to stick with it.

This is the new trend in customer satisfaction policy. Tell the customer they are right, that you are sorry but take it or leave it. I think I will leave both of these companies.

Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too or at least think about.


DEKALB, IL 60115



Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book is now available. The title is Public EneMe?

www.barnesandnoble.com (do a quick search, Title, my name)

www.smashwords.com Do a Title or author search.

Book Titles:

Holmes the Ripper

A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction

Public EneMe?

"The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems." - Mahatma Gandhi