Monday, January 3, 2011

Te Bears are not a playoff quality team; the Civil War is back for African-Americans

DATE: January 3, 2011
TITLE: The news and views at the beginning of the year.
January 3 is …Festival of Sleep Day. Finally, a useful day we can all enjoy.
Valerie Bertinelli, 50, got married on New Year’s Day to her boyfriend of seven years Tom Vitale, a financial planner.
The Chicago Bears managed to make an exciting situation a boring game. Why is Johnny Knox in the NFL? Why is Johnny Knox playing for the Bears? Why is Johnny Knox being thrown to? Why is Johnny Knox being paid to be a professional athlete when he is not one? I think Johnny Know just dropped another pass. No, No, he just ran the wrong route.
The holidays are over. It is Monday morning. The world has reset itself to a normal lifestyle. The holidays always go too fast, once they are over but many people cannot wait until they are over during the holiday season. I hope everyone had a joyous holiday season and received what they wanted or needed as gifts. May your 2011 be better than your 2010 and I hope the world and the United States begins to straighten itself out. It is doubtful the politicians are going to help. We, as citizens, must do this ourselves.
In 1959, on this date, Alaska (49th state) entered the United States of America; capital: Juneau; bird: willow ptarmigan; flower: forget-me-not; nickname: The Last Frontier
The March of Dimes was established on this day in 1938 by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to fight poliomyelitis (Roosevelt himself was afflicted with polio). The organization was originally called the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (as the disease was commonly known).
The March of Dimes accomplished its mission within 20 years. Another historical example of what we, the United States, can do if it is determined to accomplish a goal we set. Research led by Dr. Jonas Salk and supported by funds (those marching little dimes) raised annually by thousands of volunteers, resulted in the announcement in April 1955 that the Salk polio vaccine was “safe, potent and effective.” The foundation also supported the research that led to the Sabin oral vaccine, another safe, effective polio preventative discovered by Dr. Albert B. Sabin.
Following the victory over infantile paralysis, the March of Dimes turned its attention to conquering the largest killer and crippler of children: the mental and physical problems that are present at birth.
Currently, The March of Dimes raises funds to support research, education and community-based programs to prevent birth defects and help lower the rate of premature births and infant mortality. The March of Dimes is one of the 10 largest voluntary health agencies in the United States, with 101 chapters nationwide.
Mike Haywood, 46, was hired as University of Pittsburgh’s head football coach sixteen days ago. Saturday, January 1, 2011 he was fired. When Pitt made this hire, it was a mistake that was costly and going to set the program back farther than Dave Wannstedt did. The hire was racially motivated and everybody knew it was a mistake. Luckily for Pitt, Haywood, managed to get himself fired hours after getting out of jail after his arrest for domestic violence in South Bend, Indiana. Pitt did the right thing this time, both morally and financially. They fired him quickly and cut all ties to him. It is only fair. If a student-athlete had been arrested for the same charges, he would have been kicked off the  team, ending any chance for a successful athletic career. Haywood had his bite at the apple as an adult and brought this on himself. He cannot explain this away as a youthful mistake like the student-athletes always try to do. Good job Pitt.
I am glad to see we are still fighting the Civil War as a divided Nation. When National Park Service rangers fired a New Year's cannon shot at the Civil War battleground in Manassas, Virginia to hail the arrival of 2011, they also ushered in the start of a four-year commemoration of the war's 150th anniversary. The date marked the 150th anniversary of the day South Carolina became the first of 11 states to secede. Inside the ballroom, elected officials and others in period costume celebrated the courage of their fore-bearers to stand up for their state's right to leave the Union. Outside, on the sidewalk, the NAACP led 100 demonstrators who viewed the event as a celebration of a treasonous act against the federal government in order to protect the institution of slavery.
I think the slavery check has been cashed enough times by this Nation. I do not want to cash it any more. The Civil War will never be forgotten. Slavery will never be forgotten. Groups like the NAACP just keep picking at an old scab, never letting it heal. I did not enslave anyone. There is no one alive that enslaved anyone. No one is alive that was a slave in this country. As Abraham Lincoln said, “A House divided cannot stand.” African- American activists need to get on board with the real world. Pull the United States up not down, we would all be better off.
Carol Mosley Braun is a glaring example of a person who thinks she deserves to win elections because she is black, not because she is intelligent, productive, a leader or has the right answers. She once called George Will, a respected, national journalist from Champaign IL a nigger hater. She used that word and did not get in any trouble for it. She called George Will a Ku Klux Klan member. She was found to have broken campaign finance laws but was not prosecuted because of “lack of resources” Two requests by the IRS to the  Justice Department to investigate her went unanswered. Do you think the lack of criminal prosecution or investigation had anything to do with the fact she was a black Democrat serving while a Democrat was President?
She recently attacked a Chicago Tribune writer, calling him “a drunk and a wife beater” Both times she justified her actions because she was an African-American, not because she was right. When she was a Senator (How did that happen?), she was in trouble because her live-in boyfriend, with a criminal record and checkered past did business with terrorists African nations. Her past is full of similar examples. She made lucrative financial deals with Nigeria at a time Nigeria was on the terrorists watch list. She failed to notify our government of her visits to Nigeria or register as a lobbyist forNigeria. This woman I would pay just to go away.
 Top of the charts in the music world on this date:

1947 Ole Buttermilk Sky - The Kay Kyser Orchestra (vocal: Mike Douglas &
The Campus Kids)
The Old Lamplighter - The Sammy Kaye Orchestra (vocal: Billy Williams)
For Sentimental Reasons - Nat King Cole
Divorce Me C.O.D. - Merle Travis
1955 Mr. Sandman - The Chordettes
Let Me Go, Lover - Joan Weber
The Naughty Lady of Shady Lane - The Ames Brothers
More and More - Webb Pierce
1963 Telstar - The Tornadoes
Bobby’s Girl - Marcie Blane
Go Away Little Girl - Steve Lawrence
Don’t Let Me Cross Over - Carl Butler & Pearl (Dee Jones)
1971 My Sweet Lord/Isn’t It a Pity - George Harrison
Knock Three Times - Dawn
Black Magic Woman - Santana
Rose Garden - Lynn Anderson
1979 Le Freak - Chic
Too Much Heaven - Bee Gees
My Life - Billy Joel
The Gambler - Kenny Rogers
1987  * Walk Like an Egyptian - Bangles
Everybody Have Fun Tonight - Wang Chung
Notorious - Duran Duran
Mind Your Own Business - Hank Williams, Jr.

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