Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dead birds and dead heads.

The news as I see it and the views as I want them.

DATE: January 5, 2011.  January 5 is …Bird Day. Especially in Arkansas; wait for fish day.

After the Arkansas bird dropping, that the experts cannot explain but stress is a one time, unique situation, the same thing happens 350 miles away in Louisiana. This would seem to discredit the fireworks theory. What is now happening is the fox investigating the hen house tragedy.

Dead birds were also reportedly found in a yard in Kentucky. The dead birds were only in the dozens rather than hundreds or thousands. Dead fish have also turned up in Maryland, Sweden and New Zealand. Fireworks?

Autopsies on some of the dead birds are shoeing internal injuries. I don’t think the fall from the sky caused the internal injuries but that sudden stop when they slammed into the earth could have caused the internal injuries.

Does the murder of Republican John Wheeler, a former official in the Reagan and Bush administrations in Delaware, who was found in a landfill on New Year’s Eve smack of Mafia?

Today is the twelfth day of Christmas and my true love sent to me; twelve drummers drumming. Man it is loud when you add it to the eleven pipers piping but the ten lords a-leaping and the nine ladies dancing look much better with the music to perform to.

Brian Williams, the NBC news anchor from the 5:30 p.m., central time, newscast was on a late night talk show recently. He was talking about airport security and being felt-up when he mentioned ha has a name for his male package. Don’t we all? I like “Little Elvis”. I know many women who name their breasts. “The twins” seems to be a popular nickname. Just something I was thinking about.

I found this on the internet while researching notable births on this date in history;
1947 - J Danforth Quayle, (Sen-R-Ind, 44th VP 1989-93)/rich draft dodger

It is not my wording but it is nice to be known as a ‘rich draft dodger’.

Notable deaths on this date in history:

1939 - Amelia Earhart, American aviator declared dead after disappearance in 1937. (b. 1897)
1994 - Thomas P "Tip" O'Neill, (D-Ma)/Speaker of House (1977-86), dies at 81
1998 - Sonny Bono, (Rep-R-Ca)/singer (Sonny & Cher), dies skiing at 62. ‘I got you babe’

In a recent interview, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said that the United States Constitution does not protect women or gays and lesbians from discrimination. Though many interpret the Constitution's 14th Amendment as prohibiting discrimination, Scalia, a strict constructionist, disagrees. I have to agree with Scalia. The Constitution and our laws just cannot and do not cover every possible scenario. Bullying or name calling should not be illegal, just annoying, short-sighted and often times ignorant. We cannot legislate morals. If we tried, we would end up arguing over what is moral. It is too slippery a slope to take on. Times don’t change, people change and not always for the better. People need to grow up and handle life’s annoyances on their own.

Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor who parlayed a 100 lb weight loss into a book and a run at the Presidency has been hosting a television political show for quite some time now. He has managed to stay in the news but t is also obvious he has regained all if not more of the weight he lost to propel his name into the big time political game. He is seen by many as the frontrunner for the Republican presidential candidacy slot. Sarah Palin is unelectable nationwide. She will not run which leaves Mike Huckabee as the candidate with the greatest name recognition.

He has baggage with some of the parole and clemency decisions he made as governor of Arkansas. This type of story could have legs or it could go away. Huckabee must get in front of it now and defuse the situation before a feeding frenzy starts.

A book publisher, under pressure from a group that thinks they know what is best for all of us and feel the rest of us are too stupid to get it, wants to publish the Mark Twain books, Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer after completely redacting the word ‘injun’ and replacing ‘nigger’ with slave. I also hear they are going to publish Shakespeare without ‘olde English’ and the Bible without ‘thee’ and the book of Exodus since it speaks of slavery.

We sure are lucky to have these dead heads watching out for us. Of course they claim it isn’t censorship. I am not sure you would call it if not censorship.

DEKALB, IL 60115
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