Monday, November 8, 2010

Bears, Blog changes and Busch beer

These thoughts are mine. They may be shared by many but I am speaking for myself. If you are offended, it was not intentional. If you continually get offended by my positions and opinions, you should change, I doubt I will.
NOVEMBER 8, 2010

Checkout the website below. If you are from the Chicago area, it will bring back some good memories, at least it did for me. Everyone else should just spend a couple of minutes watching the video. You will like it.

I have added a few new links as well as new polls to the blogsite. Please peruse the site for the newest additions. One thing I have added is a link to It is a Free Music site that allows listeners to setup their choice of music mixes to play. It is like having your own radio station. The site will play what you setup and other music similar in style or timeframe. The program works best from Google Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer. It works from aol but not as well. The site is;
Go to the site, register for free and setup your favorite music. It will remember your stations.
The Bears won bur barely. They were playing a winless team and had to take the lead late in the fourth quarter. An interception with less than two minutes left sealed the victory.
It appears the way Dallas is playing now, the Bears win in week two in Dallas is not that impressive. The Bears have at least three other wins they should not have but they count now.
A very interesting book was released on November 1, 2010. It is “Dethroning the King: The Hostile Takeover of Anheuser-Busch, an American Icon” by Julie MacIntosh. She is a long-time writer for the Financial Times. The book in full of interesting and trivial facts that are fun to read and learn. It is not a feel-good tome about the Busch family. Just as a teaser, the Busch family is so immersed in the beer culture that it is a tradition, one still carried on today, that newborn male Busch babies are anointed with five drops of Budweiser on their lips after delivery.
I will write more about this book tomorrow.
Notable births on this date:
1656 Sir Edmond Halley 1st to calculate comet's orbit (Halley's Comet)
1900 Margaret Mitchell writer (Gone With the Wind)
1922 Esther Rolle Pompano Beach FL, actress (Florida-Good Times, Maude)
1924 Joe Flynn Youngstown Ohio, actor (McHale's Navy)
1927 Patti Page Claremont Oklahoma, singer (Tennessee Waltz)
1931 Morley Safer Toronto Canada, TV newscaster (60 Minutes)
1936 Edward G Gibson Buffalo NY, astronaut (Skylab 4)
1942 Angel Cordero Jr.  jockey (won over 6,000 races)
1949 Bonnie Raitt LA, singer/guitarist (Green Light, The Glow, Thing Called Love)
1951 Mary Hart Sioux Falls SD, TV hostess (Entertainment Tonight)
1952 Christie Hefner daughter of Hugh Hefner, Playboy CEO

Notable deaths on this date:

1308 Duns Scotus who coined the word "dunce", dies TOLD YA GLENN!
1933 King Nadir Shah of Afghanistan, assassinated by Abdul Khallig
1965 Dorothy Kilgallen columnist (What's My Line?), dies at 52
1978 Norman Rockwell artist, dies in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, at 84

Notable events on this date:

1789 Bourbon Whiskey, 1st distilled from corn (by Elijah Craig, Bourbon KY)
1793 Louvre in Paris, opens
1864 Abraham Lincoln elected to his 2nd term as President
1895 Wilhelm Rontgen discovers x-rays
1932 Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D) elected President for 1st time
1960 JFK (MA-D-Sen) beats VP Richard Nixon (R) for President
1967 Silver hits record $1.951 an ounce in London CHECK THE PRICE OUT TODAY!
1968 Cynthia Lennon is granted a divorce from John YOU THINK SHE WANTS A DO-OVER?
1974 Bundy victim (?) Debi Kent disappears in Salt Lake City, UT
1979 ABC broadcasts "Iran Crisis: American Held Hostage" with Frank Reynolds (the forerunner to "Nightline")
1988 George Bush (R) beats Mike Dukakis (D) for Presidency
1990 100,000 additional US troops are sent to the Persian gulf
1990 Saddam fires his army chief & threatens to destroy Arabian peninsula

DEKALB, IL 60115
