Friday, August 5, 2011

Pesident Obama wants our guns.

AUGUST 5, 2011


The news as I see it and the views as I want them.

August 5 is … National Mustard Day

I’ll take a bun-length all beef hot dog with mine.

This is from Harper’s Magazine this month, a brief abstract of world news.

France's trade minister warned the German
ambassador to Paris that plans to ban foie gras from a
Cologne food fair would have "global repercussions,"
Belarus proposed prohibiting people from standing in
groups, and Malta legalized divorce. Researchers
reported that the use of pink in awareness campaigns
discourages women from donating to breast-cancer
research. The City of Dallas won the right to shut down
The Playground, a local swingers' club featuring topless
dancers and bedroom services, which had been operating
as an officially designated religious institution. "Just
because they don't agree with what we believe in, they
want to throw it under the bus," said the club's owner,
an Internet-ordained minister. "But can you throw the
Catholic religion under the bus because of a few
incidents with a few priests?" A costumed Chuck
E. Cheese mascot in New Mexico was accused of flipping
off a four-year-old boy in a birthday photograph. "All
Corbin really wanted was a hug from Chuck E. Cheese,"
said the boy's grandmother. "You know how little kids
are with their idols." A latex mask of Casey Anthony
sold for almost a million dollars on eBay.

After twenty-three years of analysis, psychologists
established that "The Champ" (1979), which stars Jon
Voight as an over-the-hill boxer who dies in front of
his young son after a prizefight, is the saddest film
ever made; "Kramer vs. Kramer" came second. McDonald's
announced that it would add apple slices to Happy
Meals. Scientists determined that saturated fat deters
negative emotions, that rats can be vaccinated against
heroin addiction, and that dolphins can detect electric
fields with the whisker-pits on their snouts. Hours
after seeing a cougar in his backyard, a Wisconsin
sheriff shot a 20-year-old relative who was pretending
to be the cougar as a prank, and a California woman
accidentally shot her 12-year-old daughter with a
miniature revolver she thought was a novelty cigarette
lighter. An elderly California man attempted to remove a
hernia from his stomach with a butter knife, an
ex-convict sought to hijack a New York City subway train
with a screwdriver, and investigators revealed that at
least 122 weapons recovered from crime scenes in Mexico
were originally brought to the country as part of
Operation Fast and Furious, a U.S. drug-trafficking
sting. A San Francisco judge struck down a ballot
measure to ban circumcision except when medically
necessary, and an Australian woman whose face was
injured while she was having sex in her hotel room
during a business trip filed suit to demand worker's
compensation. "This case... is as much about slipping in
the shower or being beaten by a gang of thugs or being
shot by a jealous rival," said the woman's
lawyer. "Having sex is just one of those things."

Just thought you might want to know this stuff.

Obama is going after the guns and he is using illegal tactics to do it. He needs to worry about the streets of America not the streets of Mexico. The gun industry plans to file lawsuits on Wednesday, August 3, 2011 challenging requirements that weapons dealers along the U.S. border with Mexico report multiple sales of semi-automatic rifles, escalating the fight with the Obama administration.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives last month ordered more than 8,000 gun dealers in Arizona, Texas, New Mexico and California to report such sales to try to stem the "iron river" of guns flowing to the violent Mexican drug cartels.

Dealers are required to report sales of two or more rifles to the same person at one time or during any five business days for semi-automatic weapons greater than .22 caliber and with the ability to accept a detachable magazine. Two Arizona gun dealers backed by the National Rifle Association, one of the most powerful lobbying groups in Washington, will file a lawsuit in Washington as will the National Shooting Sports Foundation which represents the firearms industry, the groups said.

They will argue that ATF was not authorized by the Congress to require reporting such information about semi-automatic rifles purchases, rather it was only allowed to require reporting about handgun and revolver sales, according to copies of the lawsuits.

"At the time Congress authorized the reporting of multiple sales of handguns, it could have required it for the sale of long guns, but it did not," said Lawrence Keane, general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation. The gun dealers and groups will ask the courts to block the ATF from imposing the requirements which begin by August 14, they said. Failure to comply can result in losing their licenses to sell firearms. About 8,500 gun dealers would be subject to the reporting requirement. Some 36,000 reports of multiple handgun sales were made from the four border states in fiscal 2010, according to ATF.

Attorney General Eric Holder told reporters that the regulations were legal and necessary to halt guns going to the drug cartels. This guy apparently does not know what an international border is. He is also the same guy who decided not to go after the guns being trafficked into Mexico so they could surveil the situation.

"We will vigorously oppose that lawsuit," Holder said. "We think that the acts that we have taken (are) consistent with the law and that the measures that we are proposing are appropriate ones to stop the flow of guns from the United States into Mexico."

Obama wants our money and our guns. We need to watch this heretic closely. Once he determines he cannot win reelection, no holds will be barred in his attempt to socialize this country.

The reporting requirement is one prong of the Obama administration's effort to stop gun trafficking from the border states to Mexico violence has killed tens of thousands since 2006. One ATF operation to track guns going to Mexico from Arizona has become a full-blown scandal for the Obama administration because agents said they were not allowed to follow guns beyond the initial purchaser. As a result dozens of the weapons have shown up at crime scenes in Mexico.

Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too or at least think about.


DEKALB, IL 60115



Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (Do search by my name or book Title) (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.

Book Titles:

Holmes the Ripper

A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction

"Character - the willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life - is the source from which self-respect springs. - Joan Didion