Monday, November 29, 2010

Did Oregon wake a sleeping dog? RIP Leslie Neilsen!

These thoughts are mine. They may be shared by many but I am speaking for myself. If you are offended, it was not intentional. If you continually get offended by my positions and opinions, you should change, I doubt I will.
NOVEMBER 29, 2010

It is Monday morning. Today, we kind of get back to normal. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I sure did, seeing a bunch of relatives and friends and breaking bread with them while watching the plethora of football games on the TV. Next holiday up for celebration is Christmas, although Hannakah and Kwanzaa are in there somewhere. I do not celebrate either so I don’t follow them. I usually read about them when the celebration time is upon us but that is the extent of my involvement.

The week is starting on a sad note. Leslie Neilsen has died. He apparently went to sleep for one last time and never woke-up. Now he was a funny guy. Wrapping up the Hollywood portion of our show, Cameron Diaz, she is an actress, and Alex Rodriguez, he is a baseball player are dating, again. I did not know they ever dated a first time but then I rarely get a vote in these sort of things.

From yesterday, to clear up confusion, muhammud was a prophet of the Muslim faith, Allah is their god. They can both go to hell as far as I am concerned. Neither seems to be omnipotent or they would end the carnage their religion and their followers cause.

WikiLeaks is about to release more United States secrets we can’t keep secret. The government’s response is to threaten WikiLeaks with all kinds of criminal action and civil sanctions. One problem is, WikiLeaks is not an American company and does not have American offices. WikiLeaks is from Solna, Sweden or Iceland. No one is entirely sure.  If the governments of these two nations won’t shut WikiLeaks down and we are that concerned about it, end all commercial and diplomatic relations with these countries or shut WikiLeaks down ourselves, if we are capable of doing that. We probably are not or we would have done it already.

They are not breaking any American laws. As has become obvious in the last twenty years, we do not control the world anymore. Our wishes are routinely ignored by countries that would not exist if it weren’t for the sacrifices of the Unite States in WWI and WWII and after.

Doesn’t this appear to be a case of shooting the messenger? Why don’t we find the traitor in our government leaking the material to WikiLeaks and punish that person. The leaker is the bad guy not the person that repeats the non-secret. Better yet, why don’t we buy WikiLeaks and have them work for us? They are obviously better at finding leaks than we are.

Why do we have hundreds of thousands of pages of classified material anyway? That seems like a waste, especially since we can’t keep the classified material secret. Declassify the material making WikiLeaks a non issue. Most of the material being released can be discovered by a twelve year old with a computer and a little training. The last time this happened, several months ago, it was going to be the end of the world as we knew it. That didn’t seem to happen. The solution; hire competent people and WikiLeaks seem to be the best alternative.

The mosque attended by the teenage terrorist wannabee in Oregon was set ablaze Sunday in what authorities feel is a backlash from a citizen or citizens seeking revenge on Muslims for the attempted attack on a Christian ceremony Friday night. Now there is some crack police work. I hope the entire Muslim world hears about the events in Portland. Americans are more than tired of this Muslim revolt and I think the rest of the world is sick of it also. Payback can be hard to swallow but it is coming. Even if a Muslim organization has access to a nuclear device, they do not have a delivery system available to them. Strapping a nuke to some suicide bomber nut will not accomplish much except to rid the world of some excess Muslims.

With that thought, I will say good –bye for now. I think I made enough people mad for one day.
Don’t forget to buy my book. They are going fast. It makes a great Christmas gift.

DEKALB, IL 60115

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annakah and Quwntset are in there somewhere. I do not I