Saturday, July 23, 2011

At least vanilla ice cream won't screw us.

JULY 23, 2011


The news as I see it and the views as I want them.

July 23 is … National Vanilla Ice Cream Day

Today was probably created for our beloved Governor Milquetoast, you know, the guy in Israel on our dime with his live-in girlfriend. At least it is a girl.

Who is screwing whom around this country and the world?

1. Congress is screwing the citizens that vote and are productive;

2. President Obama is screwing white people and others that work and pay their taxes under the tax laws;

3. The governor of Illinois, Governor Milquetoast is screwing the people of Illinois; he is going to veto the gambling legislation passed in Springfield by the people elected to their job. Milquetoast was appointed after the last biggest screwer ‘Blago’ was indicted; Milquetoast was then elected after the Republicans ran a moron against him because they misread the fact the Tea Party does not play well in Peoria;

4. The liberal, Democrat leaning press is pushing the Obama agenda down Americas throat and Obama is paying them back with interviews, White House access and bailout money;

5. The medical industry is screwing everyone that pays for them own health care or has private insurance; I am undergoing a series of skin graphs, each one costs $5,465.00 and I have had 5 and will get an additional 5; each procedure takes less than fifteen minutes of time for the doctor but his fee out of the $5,465.00 is $1,400.00; the skin graph costs $4,000.00 out of the total. I asked the doctor what Medicare pays for these procedures, he told me they pay $1,400.00 and will cover 8 of the procedures. Someone in Washington, a bean-counter not a doctor predecided that in a Medicare situation 8 procedures will correct the problem without ever discussing this with the doctor involved or reviewing the particular case; it was also decided the price that will be paid is $1,400.00. Why are I and millions like me and our private insurance providers getting screwed for $5,465.00 for the procedure if the same procedure works and is supposedly identical for $1,400.00 when Medicare pays for it? This is just one example and this will worsen and become more prevalent under Obamacare. Remember the death panel scare? They do exist and will grow exponentially with government mandated health care. Kiss Grandma and Grandpa good bye.

6. The NFL is screwing the fans. The rich owners finally decided to give the rich players more money making them richer. The owners ratified the proposed deal on Thursday, unanimously. The NFL players refused to even vote on the proposed deal. The NFL players union, for the second time, decertified itself earlier this spring. Therefore there is no union. Once the contract is finally approved, the union will recertify itself. What are the players paying the union dues for. The un ion decertifies so they technically do not represent the players, current and former. When the current players get their deal and it screws the former players, the union can throw up their hands saying, “Hey, it wasn’t us.” More screwing by the NFL than a Johnny Holmes film.

7. The Republican Party is screwing every Republican, every conservative and many independents that do not want to reelect Obama. The Republican Party is once again recycling older candidates who have already lost at least once. The Party does this when it does not believe a sitting President can be defeated. The morons, liars, criminals, cheats and millionaires they have running now do not want to solve any problems. They do not know how to solve any problems. They just want to tell us what is wrong, who is to blame and how good it used to be.

8. The Atlanta school system screwed the children and parents of Atlanta and many others. Part of the fall-out is massive firings and layoffs. All of these people will get unemployment, food stamps and a host of other welfare type benefits that will cost all taxpayers money. In addition, several suits are being threatened by people who did nt get free tutors, school breakfasts nd lunches and other education benefits tied to the progress being shown by the school system. Since the School system was cheating and lying, many benefits did not get awarded. Parents want those benefits. The children were screwed the most since they were not getting a quality education while being taught by criminals.

These are just a few examples off the top of my head. None of us are even being kissed, just screwed.

Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too.


DEKALB, IL 60115



Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (Do search by my name or book Title) (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.

Book Titles:

Holmes the Ripper

A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction

"If you want to be happy, be." - Leo Tolstoy