Thursday, July 28, 2011

Save this country; let the world go bankrupt

JULY 28, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
July 28 is … National Milk Chocolate Day

This day is not fair to us weight challenged individuals. It seems we have a bunch of days for candy, cookies and great flavors but that is OK by me.

We are still arguing over the debt ceiling and government spending. A good portion of the national debt and our current over spending is a result of exporting our idea of democracy, freedom and warfare. We are currently engaged three acknowledged wars; Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. We are involved in numerous less publicized wars and actions including Korea, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan and certain states that were formerly part of the Soviet Union. We provide defense to Japan, Germany, Israel and numerous other states that do not spend on their defense since we will.

The United States has been buying friends and international respect for decades. Many of the countries we protect and support have decided we are the bad guy now. We continue to spend our money on them. Most of the nations around have lost their respect for this country but they still cash our checks and we are stupid enough to keep sending them out.

During this self-made, mostly exaggerated, over-hyped political game we are in concerning the debt ceiling and spending, much has been made about how our economic problems will impact international economics and markets. So what. We are now too big to fail just like certain banks were in the Wall Street collapse and the auto industry collapse. In both of those cases the government provided massive bailouts. That money spent impulsively, foolishly and without quality benefits is now helping to cause this crisis, when added to the wasted defense spending.

Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Every mistake should be used as a learning tool. When you get lemons, don’t just have a sour face, make lemonade. The appropriate expressions are endless but we do not seem to be learning a damn thing.

If we try to spend our way out of this mess, we will be revisiting it in a year or two. Obama wants to raise taxes. Taxes rarely go down or away. If we raise taxes now and survive this non-catastrophe, the taxes will still be raised meaning the government will have more money to spend on unappreciative foreign nations and entitlement programs here. The cuts will never take place or will be restored in short order.

Congress can only pass a budget that obligates the government for one  year. This Congress does not have the legal capacity to establish the budget for the next Congress or the Congress in 2014. Therefore, whatever is done today is all for show and publicity, “See what I did.” reelection Babble Congressman can use to tout their ability to govern.

We have lived through this type of childish behavior from our Congress and President in the past. These guys are not inventing anything but they are getting close to improve the absurdity of political behavior.

Boehner’s most recent plan, after detailed scrutiny shows it will only reduce spending by one billion dollars in 2012. The budget crisis is dealing with trillions of dollars and Boehner is going to cut one billion. That is just buying four fewer toilet seats for the space shuttle or a few less hammers for the Air Force. Once this scrutiny appeared in the press, Boehner called off the vote on his plan to redo the numbers. Rephrasing the lies does not make it a better or a workable deal, it just rephrases it.

Boehner, at least, has a plan. The Democrats do not have a detailed plan they will release. President Obama is just sitting quietly in the White House refusing to produce a plan. Once a deal is reached, he will come charging out of the Rose Garden on a white horse claiming to be our savior. He will come out for a plan he never read but was told about, similar to Obamacare.

We need to pass a law that says every Congressman and President that votes for or signs a budget that increases over the cost of living is ineligible for reelection. I believe Warren Buffet has espoused a similar sentiment.

Just one of the problems, according to our Secretary of the Treasury, 80 million people get government payments every month; that is 25% of the population.

Baseline budget spending is one of the largest scams in Washington. This concept calls for every budget item to increase a certain per centage every year. When Congress repeals the planned increase they brag about cutting spending. They are not cutting spending; they are merely not allowing an increase to take effect. What was spent last year will be spent next year. Where is the cut in that?

It is time to clean house in Washington. Even if the elected official is your spouse, parent, sibling or friend, they need to be voted out of office. Everyone talks about voting the rascals out but not their guy, he’s good. Everyone around the nations thinks this way and most get reelected. That has got to end.

Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too.
DEKALB, IL 60115

Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (Do search by my name or book Title) (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.

Book Titles:

Holmes the Ripper

A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction

Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose - and you allow him to make war at pleasure.
Abraham Lincoln