Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sex in the Big Ten.

March 5, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
March 5 is … Multiple Personalities Day. Who are you Glenn?

Today is also Annie Oakley day. At just five feet tall, one wouldn’t expect Phoebe Anne Oakley Mozee to be able to use a rifle, a pistol or a shotgun. Yet, the diminutive Annie Oakley, as she was better known, found out at the age of nine, that she was a dead shot. Born in a log cabin in Patterson Township, Ohio, Annie starred in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show for seventeen years equally adept at hitting targets with any of the three weapons.  On this day in particular, in 1922, Annie broke all existing records for women’s trap shooting. She smashed 98 out of 100 clay targets thrown at 16 yards while at a match at the Pinehurst Gun Club in North Carolina. She hit the first fifty, missed the 51st, then the 67th.  This was a record-breaker, true; but Annie Oakley was well-known throughout the United States and Europe for her expert shooting ability. In one day, ‘Little Sure Shot’ took a .22 rifle and hit 4,772 glass balls out of 5,000 tossed in the air. She could hit a playing card from 90 feet (the thin side facing her); puncturing it at least five times before it hit the ground. It was this display that named free tickets with holes punched in them, Annie Oakleys. In 1935, Phoebe Mozee was immortalized on film in Annie Get Your Gun, which was later made into a musical for the stage. In 1985, another film, Annie Oakley, was made for TV. It included silent-film footage of the record-breaking sharp-shooter, taken by Thomas Edison.
Earlier this week a story was making the rounds about a class on Human Sexuality at Northwestern University. The class, taught by a controversial professor, with out of the ordinary sexual tastes and interests, had an optional, after class program on February 21 that involved the subject of the female orgasm and sexual arousal. The after-class program was emceed by Ken Melvoin-Berg, an individual who offers sex tours through a tour company called Weird Chicago. The program consisted of a female stripping on stage, laying on a sheet on the floor, spread-eagle toward the onlookers. Her real-life partner came on stage with a sex toy called a “fucksaw” and penetrated the female causing her to orgasm multiple times. Neither of the people performing on stage were students at Northwestern. Neither of them had any teaching credentials. Both performers were over twenty-one. The female stated she enjoyed having orgasms in front of a crowd of onlookers. How does one ever discover this talent?

This is not education. This is way below Northwestern. I cannot envision a spin where this demonstration can be justified. If I, as a parent, had a student in this class, I would sue for my money back, fraud, intentional infliction of emotional distress and breach of contract. This is not higher education; it is low-brow pornography.

If you did this in a bar and charged admission, you would be arrested but that is what Northwestern did. They staged a live sex show and charged tuition to see it. Northwestern needs to step up to the plate on this one and not whitewash it. The professor should be fired refunds should be given and the class should never be offered again. I read where this was a popular class with 600 students in it but only about 100 were at the presentation and the crowd thinned out as the spectacle unfolded. Must not have been that popular and the students proved to be smarter than the professor.

Should any class have 600 students in it at Northwestern to begin with? Even Northwestern has become involved in the dummying down of America.

Slaughter in America; A Long Island emergency medical technician was released from a hospital two days after he was wounded at a crash scene by a heavily armed gunman who was later fatally shot by police. The EMT vowed to return to service as soon as possible. "I love what I do," Bellmore Volunteer Fire Department EMT Justin Angell said after his release Thursday, surrounded by his brother who helped save him and dozens of firefighters and fellow EMTs. "I feel fine. I'm just glad to be alive. It was just a freak accident that could happen anywhere." Angell, 20, and fire department members were responding to a call that a pickup truck had run into a utility pole shortly before 10 p.m. Tuesday when the driver, identified as Jason Beller, 31, of Commack, N.Y., opened fire. Angell, who had jumped out of the ambulance and began walking toward the crash scene, was hit in the hip and fell down. His older brother, Dean, 22, said he was driving the ambulance and heard the shots, but wasn't immediately aware his brother had been hit, he said. He then drove toward the shooter, placing the ambulance as a shield between his wounded brother and Beller.

"As I pulled up I saw it was my brother on the ground," Dean Angell said. "I jumped out, just picked him up, Chief (Robert) Taylor and a couple other firefighters and EMS people picked him up and we just took off as quick as we could, just get out of there. Because we didn't know what was going on at that point, if he was going to shoot at us again." Police officers arriving at the scene then encountered the gunman, who was firing from a rifle equipped with a laser scope. An exchange of gunfire ended when a police department K-9 officer fatally shot Beller. Beller was armed with six automatic weapons and handguns, as well as an elongated wristband with extra ammunition. Nassau County Police Commissioner Lawrence Mulvey said it was apparent that Beller was "out to commit mayhem." Mulvey described Beller, who apparently moved to Long Island from Florida about a year ago, as having had "some turmoil in his personal life," although he would not elaborate. He apparently also had some hatred built up. Luckily, a New York Police Officer knew how to take control of the situation and show compassion to innocent people rather than worry about the violent criminal.

DEKALB, IL 60115

Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search, Check this site out.

“To be one’s self, and unafraid
whether right or wrong,
is more admirable than the easy cowardice
of surrender to conformity.”
~ Irving Wallace