Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Obamaphone, his newest trick pulled from his hat that dosn't work

These thoughts are mine. They may be shared by many but I am speaking for myself. If you are offended, it was not intentional. If you continually get offended by my positions and opinions, you should change, I doubt I will.

OCTOBER 27, 2010

The family of Toni Keller has my condolences. I hope the crime can be solved and the offender sentenced to death. Unfortunately, we do not burn at the stake anymore but I would make an exception in this case. Whoever becomes the next State’s Attorney of DeKalb County will have to make the decision of whether or not to seek the death penalty. That will tell us all a lot about the winner. Seems like a no brainer to me.

This is not the first time I have heard of the free phones for welfare program but, interestingly enough, it is being promoted a week before the election. Most just be a coincidence.

Want a free phone from President Obama? Go to the website below and signup for your Obamaphone. The free phones are so the drug dealers and welfare recipients don’t have to leave the house in order to lie about looking for a job. They can merely use their free phone to call about jobs they will never get and would never take if offered to them. I believe the phones are also available to illegal aliens. Although the website application asks for a Social Security number, the illegal’s have a history of securing one valid Social Security number and multiple people using it. Why do we give free phones to welfare recipients? And why do they have computers with internet service making it easy to work the system? They are not all going to the library to use the internet. The argument that the free phones are for safety is a red herring. The welfare world has existed for decades without free phones. I do not want to pay for my phone and I surely do not want to pay for a free phone for generations of freeloaders. Welcome to ObamaWorld.

We have to vote these rascals out of office. Obama did not pass this law alone. This is lobbying in its purist form. Give an enormous group of people a free life, make it easy on them. Come election time they will vote for you to keep their benefits. When a lobbyist for the energy industry gives a few Congressman gifts, vacations, parties or meals and the Congressmen vote in line with the energy industry, we call it graft and corruption. When Obama does it, it is called compassion. Not by me.

It is a sad time in Frostbite Falls. Alex Anderson, 90, the artist who created the cartoon characters Rocky and Bullwinkle, the flying squirrel and hapless moose who were TV fixtures in the early 1960s, died Oct. 22 at a nursing facility in Carmel, Calif.  He was a graduate of Whatsamatta U, the University in Frostbite Falls in the cartoon show.

Rocky and Bullwinkle managed to find humor in the Cold War as they battled Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale who took their orders from the seldom seen ‘Fearless Leader’ Dudley Do-Right, a Canadian Mountie, was also a character on the cartoon show, constantly in pursuit of the dastardly Snidely Whiplash as he foreclosed on widows and tied them to train tracks. The Snidely Whiplash’s of today are not tying many to railroad tracks these days but they are forcing more into homelessness including widows. I know you should pay your debts but when a lender qualifies you for an adjustable rate mortgage at the then low initial payment knowing full well that if the rate goes up one or two points you would not qualify and you cannot afford the higher monthly premium that is inevitable, the industry should have some liability. They are in the money lending business, not the property management business. Foreclosed homes and empty homes in a neighborhood drive all prices down. It is the Reagan trickle-down theory out of control. And part of the blame lies with the government regulators who forced lenders to make loans outside of guidelines. The government sued lenders for redlining, which forced them to make risky loans they had not been approving. They were not approving these loans because they were a poor risk. This is just another example of our government running private industry with tragic results. Sooner or later our government will find something they can do right; it cannot govern, it cannot run social programs, it cannot run private business, it cannot hire enough competent people and it cannot fix the health industry. It can give money and phones away. The Peter Principle at work.

Remember, we got to get a new hat because that trick never works.

Notable births on this date:

1728 James Cook captain/explorer, discovered Sandwich Islands
1858 Theodore Roosevelt (R) 26th Pres (1901-09) (Nobel 1906)
1918 Teresa Wright NYC, actress (Pride of the Yankees)
1939 John Cleese comedian/actor (Monty Python, Fawlty Towers)
1940 Lee Greenwood country singer (God Bless the USA)
1945 Carrie Snodgress Park Ridge Ill, actress (Diary of Mad Housewife)
1963 Marla Maples Dalton Ga, model/Donald Trump's main squeeze

Notable deaths on this date:

1972 Lew Parker actor (Lou Marie-That Girl), dies a day before turning 65
1988 S.B. Fuller founder of Fuller products, dies at 83
1990 Elliott Roosevelt son of FDR, dies at 80
1996 Morey Amsterdam actor/comedian (Dick Van Dyke Show) at 74

Notable events on this date:

1775 US Navy established
1787 Federalist letters start appearing in NY newspapers
1795 Treaty of San Lorenzo, provides free navigation of Mississippi
1810 US annexes West Florida from Spain
1919 Axeman of New Orleans claims last victim (October) – never captured
1941 Chicago Daily Tribune editorialize there will not be war with Japan
1978 Begin & Sadat win the Nobel Peace prize – That sure worked out
1982 IBM ROM is capable of EGA graphics
1988 "ET" released to home video (14 million presold)
1988 Larry Flynt paid a hitman $1M to kill Hefner, Guccione & Sinatra



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